"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday Tails: Gray Wolves in remote areas of Northern Cal.

Good News for re-balancing nature:

I put this together from another source, since the comments, as always, were trolled at the original site.  I find it hard to believe that the Big Money Boys can't leave any stone unturned in their fight to tweak news events, attempting to make them go their way.

What ever became of Nobility of Spirit?

Center for Biological Diversity

No. 789, Aug. 27, 2015

From an article originally published in the L.A. Times

After Almost 100 Years, a Gray Wolf Pack Lives in California

Shasta Pack in California.

"Exciting, inspiring news from Northern California: For the first time in almost a century, a family of gray wolves is living wild in the state. In remote Siskiyou County, a trail camera has captured a series of photographs of both the adult wolves and the black pups.

The two adult, black-furred wolves and five 4-month-old pups have been named the Shasta pack, after the area's spectacular volcano.

Thanks to foresight and pressure from the Center for Biological Diversity and our allies that resulted in state action in 2014, these wolves have the benefit of legal protection under California's Endangered Species Act. According to state biologists, one or more of the animals will soon be radio-collared for monitoring; in the meantime, their black color should make it virtually impossible for any hunters to claim to mistake them for coyotes -- and very difficult for any actual mistaken ID to occur."


  1. Now that is some good news. (Just don't let Sarah Palin know).
    Wolves are beginning to resettle in Germany as well, albeit in small numbers at the moment.

  2. Ah! Good news then from your neck of the woods,too! :-) Farley Mowat's book about his year studying Alaskan wolves showed that nearly all their diet was small mammals and even berries. He did this and no one listened. Humans seem to hear what they want to hear, even from their holy books.

  3. Good news indeed. I am happy for California. We recently saw what we thought was a wolf close to our house. It was running along the grounds to the airport! Just so it doesn't visit in my backyard! So much wild life coming into the towns and cities.

    1. Yes it is, Paula. As long as they stay out of backyards all is good. Depending on if you live in Pennsylvania or New York, you may have seen a Coywolf. It's a crossbreed. They have features of both and are bigger than coyotes and smaller than wolves. There's a DOC about them on Netlfix.

      We have coyotes that come down our street from time to time. Little cats and roof rats (and tasty trash) attracts them. I don't know why people let their cats out at night.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..