"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Thursday 13- Random Thoughts.

 Hello T-13ers....

This is a list of 13 things I want to make habitual....

1.  Finish un-remodeling all the clothes I remodeled to wear after my shoulder operation, and then re-model all the clothes that are too long for me now.

 For those of you who don't know, I fell three days before surgery to fix my shoulder was scheduled, and broke the be-jeebers out of both it and my elbow.  This was in August, last year, so now that you are up to speed on that, I will mention it no more.  If my life wasn't one long laugh-fest of IRONY I do not know how else to characterize it.

2. I want to read my books every day.  I have over 500 unread books on my kindle. and a shed load of printed ones.  When the lock down occurred, Something called BookBud was started -I have NO idea who did it but they did.  Great Books for free sometimes but also for VERY LITTLE MONEY.  It's been great!  

3. Drink more green tea.  At my age I need all the anti-oxidants I can get.

4. Finish altering all the skirts that are too long for me, in to TeeDresses.

5. Get rid of all the dead plants in the patio and other parts of the garden.  The long recovery from the shoulder saw most of my plants die. 

6. Stop letting thoughts distract me from my Peace.  The people who do this seem to be a LOT more happy.  

7. Lose another 10 pounds.  I've lost 20 so far with little trouble because of being sick. Lol!  Helluva way to lose it but I'm not one bit sorry to see it go!  I'm so light on my feet now.. (no, not really) I'm still a clumsy Git.  Sorry if this doesn't Load properly.  I'm still getting used to this cheeky new editor. 👺! The only work around is to post it TO Blogger in it's own page.

8. Knit more, OR stop buying yarn.  😁

9. Finish Mr.Z's Aran fisherman's sweater.  Get it back into the knitting rota.  I've been working on it in fits and starts for about 10 years.  Sad... 😔 It's a LOVE sweater, you see.  I'm sort of scared to finish it. hehehe

10. Throw out or re-cycle three things a day.  No matter how small, just do it. 

11. I will try to love everyone, yes, even Trump.  He actually could be a punishment sent by God.  There are always at least two ways to think about any leader, and this give me the most peace. He may be prophesied ... the Beast... you never know.  Besides we are supposed to love our enemies yes?  They give a moral purpose and direction to our lives, even if we truly know we'd be better off if they were behind bars.  N'est ce pas! 

12. It's only August but I am going to start getting ready for Christmas. 

13. Do the four meme's every week if I DO NO OTHER BLOGGING!


  1. Replies
    1. it is so good! Thanks for your comment! Sorry I missed this one this week. Issues ..... never ending issues.

  2. The pandemic has cured me of thrift shopping, but now I am trying to deal with my clothes pile and always alterations. I'm never gonna love Trump but I don't hate him. I just hate him as president.

    1. r3 the trump...You are a better man than I, Gunga Din. I don't like him in anyway but at least I'm over hating him. *Halo comes out of pocket and makes brief appearance before being wisked away...*
      Eww.. thrift shops poor dears.. at least they are still mostly run by charities who can just use the straight up cash. Thanks for your lovely reply. Sorry I missed this week. *flogs self exit, stage right.*

  3. Love your list, sounds much like my thoughts. Wait... you said "Christmas"! Nooooo! I'm not ready! I'm going back to reading my monster pile of books and grabbing my tea along the way.

    1. Thank you, Mary. Christmas is my happy time but starting in July just didn't seem right somehow. Ooooo piles of books. You are after my heart, so you are. I love it! And tea. I'm trying to kick a nasty 5 alarm infection with some herbal tea and green tea.

  4. I can study Buddha and Jesus's teachings but I am not able yet to see the orange one as anything but the antiChrist. I'll keep trying to love... well I love your post and #6 and #8 especially
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

    1. LeeAnna, thank you, and I thought at first that the Orange Menace was the Anti-Christ but he's not fooling the rest of the world and a significant percentage of Americans, so I think he MAY think he's the real deal- a characteristic of the Anti-Christ, but he's just another asshat.

  5. So glad to see you back and I do hope you are feeling much, much better. I have been trying the "Trump forgiveness" thing myself - I wrote about it in a TT sometime back. It appears the best way around it for me is simply to not think about him and what he is doing, has done, and will do to the country.

    1. Exactly the right Path to Peace, CountryDew, and thanks for your nice comment. We can secretly laugh at him and all the memes in various places. Some are KILLER! heeheehee
      Soon he will be nothing more than an unpleasant stink lingering just above the swamp, in the form of T-Gas...

  6. The late great First Husband told a horrible man once that he didn't like him but he did love God who is in him. I'm not there yet when it comes to thinking like that about that guy currently lying in the White House. Cheers!

    1. I'm not able to see this guy, but he has done one thing. He united the two parties, I mean besides the extremes.. And I DO NOT think Bernie is extreme at all. I love that guy. It is TELLING that polls taken at the time show he would have beaten trump. well, that's enough about that swamp dragon.. *grumbles*


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..