"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Today I met Misti! Yeay!

Misti is one of my SpeakeasySocks chat buddies, and we took the opportunity to get together while she was in town. I wish that I'd brought a picnic lunch today!

It was cloudy but warm in La Jolla, where it is too expensive to eat, believe me, I do know La Jolla. Anyway, we could have spent another whole hour at least together, sharing our insanity for socks and small tide creatures. She is bright and lots of fun. I hope that when she comes again, that we can hop up to Encinitas for Common Threads and Black Sheep. We will do lunch and knitting for certain then!

Misti showed me her beautiful Wilton dyed yarn which she is knitting into a lovely christmas stocking. I would have held it more and admired it, but we were headed for the car at the time. Next time when my brain isn't so badly programmed, we can sit and knit someplace over a cup of tea and some cookies.

We visited Helga's and Knitting in La Jolla and oooooo'd and ahhhhhhh'd over all the wonderful yarns, and prices. I managed to find the much talked about Socks, Socks, Socks book and actually overcame my frugality to buy it. And then I found another skein of dark colors super merino sock yarn for another pair for DH at Helga's. She has a wonderful lot of yarns in her shop, as does Knitting in La Jolla, but she had the book. Decided to spread the wealth around. Lol!

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..