"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, November 19, 2004


Had to frog down to the heel flap on the fuzzy blue sock because I forgot to turn the heel. I really need much better light and a brain but the chance of getting the light is much better. I was half way through the gusset stitches, too.

I am still depressed. Something better give pretty soon. I've never been depressed like this and especially over an election. This one is weirdly different. This was like a take over of an unarmed nation or something. I hate this feeling.

Going to work on my sweater and the afghan as soon as this sock is finished and the ones for my other daughter are on the needles. The afghan is so heavy to knit that it can only be done in the cool months. Thank God it's almost DONE!


  1. Yep the election sure helped to cause depresion around here. The whole town is in a funk and it is still hanging around. I guess only time will tell.

    Socks give me trouble all the time. I have started many times, the turning of the heal keeps getting me...... I finaly manged one sock after switching to two circular needles.

    Good knitting and have a great Thanksgiving

  2. KnitKat, Sorry it takes me so long to see comments! Mea Culpa!

    I am feeling better all the time about what happened politically now that the truth about things is coming. But, will those responsible pay? I wonder. I know who will pay the very most though. All those who have needlessly suffered and died, and the ones who were left alive and wounded to their very souls.

    About sock heels. Time will make it better. You will get the hang of it. The kitchner toes get to me, but I figure after doing it about a 100 times I will know it by heart. "Keep on Knitt'n Mama, Knitt'n them blues away." I remember that tag line from a Knitter's review Knitter.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..