"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, May 5, 2005

Hello Vi and Greetings to Karen

Oh Vi, you must mean that your Papa had green eyes and a dignified countenance. She looks very Roman to me at times. heehee

One thing that made Poko have that very wide eyed look is that Jaz always tears out of the house in the morning and barks right in her face to get her to run. I yell at him and he dashes off to find something that will actually flee but by then Poko is Wide awake! She was also snatched up, directly after the first indignity, and put on top of the BRB for her photo session so there is more than the usual alertness in those green eyes.

Hi Karen, and thank you. We think she is lots prettier than her mate, who is a bit surly. Haha. He is old and tired by now, being in the neighborhood of 70 years of age. By the way, I am going back and reading your blog because the quick look taken this afternoon was so intriguing.

My day. Hmmm.. Hubby had to drive four hours out to a desert town this evening to do an upgrade on a POS (Point of Sale) system that couldn't be down any earlier than 8 pm, so he is now probably driving back. I told him that if anything happened to him, he had better warn his boss ahead of time not to come to his funeral unless he, too, wanted to die. heehee.. So much for Quaker non-violence!

It's too late and I am feeling very silly. It's too late to knit as it's far too late to keep my eyes from crossing.


  1. Come by anytime you like, and let me know in advance if you prefer tea of coffee ;-)

  2. Thanks Karen, I will. I am a tea drinker after giving up coffee in my old age. heehee. Did you ever find out what happened with those tulips? I've heard that the color genes migrate. It can even happen at a big grower like the ones in the netherlands. They bag them and remove them.

  3. Ok, then. Tea it is :-=

    I have not researched the tulip issue thoroughly, but I do know that the phenomenon can occur in other plants.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..