"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Here's a close up of his eye. He had 7 brothers and sisters of those that I found that the ravens didn't get, and now there are only three left. There are Lucky and two who went to my faceting teacher who wanted very much to have them. They are all doing well now that they have got over a few hybernations.


  1. They are so huge!
    I miss turtles; they aren't native to Germany.

    And those scarfs are gorgeous.

    Re: Sock patterns - have you tried the Regia "silk" sock yarn yet? It's a dream!

  2. Hi Karen, thanks for stopping by. :) Yay! Another knitter!

    Oh yes, the Tort parents are pretty big, but the baby at 10 years is still small. I'd say he's the size of a small soup bowl more or less. lol The reason they are so big is that they are California Desert Gopher Tortoises and not like the littler turtles that live on the banks of rivers and ponds. One of the teachers I used to work with had a male tortoise that was easily as big as a meat platter. He really bullied my tortoise around when he went to visit her female one spring. I think that Churchy learned to be a bully that Spring.

    Oh, and when the babies were born they were perfect replicas of their parents and the size of half a walnut shell. If I find the baby pictures I'll post them, too.

    I will try the silk sock yarn from Regia, if it's available here. I'm on the look out for all things that are not wool for my daughter's socks. Thanks! Oh yes, the scarves are really pretty on together with the hat. Everything blends really well and I love to wear blues.

    Gratz btw, on your 100% on the written test, and your lovely green machine. It's very beautiful.

  3. I want baby pictures.....
    I always post baby pictures so folks can see
    I want baby tortoise pictures
    back from huntercreek farms

  4. Thanks for your gratz!
    Do post those baby turtle pictures!

  5. What cute torts. I am getting my yard ready so I can adopt two CA Desert torts. Great pictures :)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..