"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

I found yet another sock pattern!

Of course that's no news at all to the sort of people who may read this, but I've found one I really LIKE a lot and want to make in the pink yarn from Elann. Yeay!

Today I packed away some more things that should have been down on New Year's Day, according to my MidWestern Mother's mindset. But I like the way the sparkly little tree cheers up the dark days of winter, and Oh yes, we get them here in SoCal, too. I had it all undecorated but didn't have everything put away. Now it's put away.

It was always the best time of the year for my mother because she liked to bake and decorate for Christmas. She made life fun for her children while living a hard life, mentally and physically, herself. My sister and I have begun to remember things that we sort of buried about Mother's life.

I hope that she lives in Heaven in a beautiful garden, like the ones she made on earth. Now that she would surely love. She'd love to be able to prune and form beauty, with lots of congenial company to share composting and rose tips with. Mother loved hand embroidery so I'm sure in their spare time the Gardening Angels get to do that, embroider our sunrises and sunsets and the edges of stormy skies. They must use the tendrils of winds to do this, stirring little whirlpools in their delicate way.


  1. I am currently mad at my deceased mother
    she gave my idiot sister the emeralds and me her broken up worn out decrepted body

  2. I want patience I just can't wait too long for it

  3. Rewards are in heaven, Dear Vi, and the Christian Right would be shocked to know what Jesus actually said about it, but they are beyond listening. It's a shame because they could do a lot less harm and a lot more good while they were alive if they did. What can you do save cry a bit and shrug? That's the problem with extremist views. No compassion or patience. You have compassion and more patience than you realize. Hugs!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..