"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Hello Girls. I found a picture of one of my two raffle Christmas wall hangings so thought I'd show you what I was doing in quilting before I got bigger plans of making everything into a business. Big mistake!

This is one of two identical ones for two different raffles. They are really a nice dark Christmas green but this is a very old and grainy picture.


  1. the patience you've got! it's a beautiful piece of work!

  2. Aw shucks.. thanks Pugknits. Quilting is fun, too, Like knitting. Spinning and quilting also sort of go together. Can't wait to join you in the spinning. I am waffling yet again on what wheel to get. But you knew that would happen. One like your's is too, too beautiful to pass up.

  3. Thanks Karen. I used to love to quilt. Hopefully it will come back again. Knitting has taken over again and it's here to stay. =o)

  4. Oooh Zip, that's a beauty! Where's that one been hiding all these years? You've been holding out on me girl! ;o)

  5. Aw, thanks Terri. You make such lovely quilts yourself. =0)

    I came across the picture on an old zip disk I was editing. You never saw it because they were given away so fast that I only got one picture, and a very bad one at that. The deadline thing... well, you know how that is. heehee. It's an Elanore (sp) Burns pattern.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..