"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, September 9, 2005

Three Winders and their work. The top ball was wound on the hand held. It's just a little tighter but it's still a center pull so the other ones can't make fun of it. The fine yarn ball winder is on the right, suffering identity crisis, and the new worsted/bulky is looking fat and sassy because it has employment and a future. This completes the accessories ensemble for the new swift, which sit smuggly to the left of all on the old oak desk. This was the office desk that belonged to my Mom, who smiles down upon me and looks in from time to time. Hi Mom!


  1. I like that old desk and that Mom looks down now and then :-)

  2. Cool, lucky you!
    Contact me please. I'll be online Wednesday, Saturday and Sundy, oh, and the rest of the day today.

  3. Ah, 'tis a comfort Karen, so it 'tis. The old desk will get a spiff up in the furniture refinishing phase coming up. It will be golden oak like when it was new and this since it's not really a collectable. There's thousands of them hanging around the world still.

    Misti, I do feel lucky, but if it was my Dad, I'd tell him to go take a flying leap.. hehe I emailed you. m'dear..

  4. I love your wool winders and swift and the fact that the old desk holds such a lovely memory. My mum watches over me too and I can almost see her smile when I knit socks, I never knitted them while she was alive as she had always said what a pain they were to knit and as such I never even attempted them.

  5. Hi Sharon, but socks are so worth it, eh? Glad you feel your Mum smiling on you and sharing in the loveliness of sock knitting.

    I am wearing my candy colored socks as the air has gone nippy and the sandals need that little extra something to ward off blue toes.

    I love knowing that my mom is comfortable being around our place, and that she's able to come round to check up on us and help me get over the endless sting of bad news. Sheesh!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..