"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Back to the knitting

I am going to go back to work on my knitting and stay off the KNITTING BOARDS which can suck the life out of a day. I miss everyone when I don't go read there but, alas, to get any work done you just have to grit the teeth and stay off the boards!

My sister, who is struggling with Parkinson's Disease, came over today and we got out the beads. She and I had a good time putting together the colors to make a small pair of earrings to match a bracelet that she bought in what she calls a Sparkly Tinkly shop, New Age in other words. She can still work well enough with her right hand to use the tools of the trade. She makes better loops than I do since she has had a lot of training working with braces all these years. I gave her's an A+ but mine was definitely only a B+. heehee. Hope you read this, Sis. Sharing a craftday with you is truly a peaceful and lovely thing to do.

I have three wire wraps to finish this week, two old and one new. This could take awhile, and the Louet Wheel is on the way. It's a S-75DT... have I said that already. *Tries to think back about this.......* Anyway, I'm already trying to not get too skitterish about some posts in the Knitter's Review about Double treadle vs Single. Buyer's Remorse started creeping into the corner of my sight but I did a lot of research on this including some hand's on, so I'm hoping that it's not going to be something I regret. My DD's little wheel is a sweet wheel. And if I can take mine with me, we can spin together on them. Yeay! I am looking forward to spinning with my DD in the future.

DH's retirement is going well. We are getting used to his not having to leave the house in the wee hours to reboot someone's computer, or to fix a sick server or main frame or whatEVER! No more 3 am phone calls from the "Control Tower" to get some bank or Base computer up and running. Blessed Peace!

When Sis was here, DH got a call that I couldn't help hearing, and it was from the bank. They were asking about "unusual activity" on our card. Ya, it was me, buying something expensive. This is very unusual! Anyway, he had told me that I could order my wheel, but I waited til nearly midnight our time to do it. So the bank didn't like that, DH didn't know who the seller was, what was bought, and this almost brought the house down on our credit card. I yelled out, "Dear, that's my Spinning Wheel!" He did one of those cartoon heart pounding actions with both his hands on his chest, and laughed because he thought we had been ripped off. Poor DH. I am just more nocturnal than he is, He who must rise with the chickens.....


  1. Your depiction of hubby beating his chest made me laugh! Glad he is enjoying his retirement. Perhaps he will learn to sleep longer (but I doubt it).

    Look forward to seeing pics of your new wheel!

  2. LOL....must have thought *phew*........good thing it was the wheel....there are times when i wake up in the wee hours of the morning to email when i can't sleep, so there....

    and you'll put the wheel to good use and you'll have many good hours together (with DD), so...no remorse! just wait till you put everything together and start spinning on your S-75DT!*excited*

  3. My perfect world would be late to bed late to rise whereas my DH sounds like yours, many a times he has woken after being asleep for a few hours and gets up to get a drink and I am still up, knitting. He just shakes his head and goes back to bed, you gotta love them. I too would like to see a pic of this new wheel.

  4. Hi Karen, it was pretty hilarious once he realized that there was nothing amiss. Poor Man! I will post the picture of the BOX the minute it gets here, I am so anxious for it. lol

    Hey there Pugknits, I will have to put a sticky note on his computer from now on. tee hee.. I am looking soooo forward to being able to spin with my DD. She is going to be my tips of the trade pal as she is ahead so far.

    Sharon,hi hi.. I used to like being up with the sun but it's not been that way for years, so I've started enjoying the nighttime and it's lovely soft quiet. Now I read or knit and don't care what time I get up in the morning, except it's a big drag if I HAVE to be up early. Medical tests at 7am are killers.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..