"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Anna's female. We are making an assumption here but we think it's an Anna's female who had a nest nearby. The plant is a bottle brush.


  1. Thank you for making my mid-February morning with all the hummingbird pics! We rarely see them here, but we are treated to piping plovers instead (unless the beach-drivers wreck the nests, that is...).

  2. What a wonderful shot! Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a lovely photo! And I love that you used the transformer for your identity...very cool. :-)

  4. Makes me very anxious for spring to finally get here!! We only get the ruby throated on the east coast, so I envy you the variety. Thanks for the bit of sunshine : ) I'm still planning to be home this Saturday. Will see you online then! Miss you all.

  5. Jane I'm glad it brightened the day. I forget how what it's like to have winter seasons. Oh beach drivers. We've got a least tern sactuary that is now completely fenced. Piping plovers and so cute.

    Trish I will probably use it for a christmas card now that you mentioned it. It would be perfect for it.

    Melissa, I am glad you've enjoyed the photo. You are welcome. These "Bee Birds" as my Turkish friend calls them are the most special little creatures.

    Rissa, thanks, and the transformer is very cool. It took me a long time to figure out how to get it to the proper size and what program to use to save it to but it did come out very well. Yours was too gorgeous for me not to try doing it.

    Annie, everyone will be so happy to have you back home. The one hummingbird I have never seen, besides the ones in Central and South America, is the ruby thoat. The colors on these little birds is amazing. The costa's has a violet gorget that sticks out on both sides when he is singing. See you soon again on line, my friend.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..