"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Missed the Sunday Lawn Party

Didn't get my pictures in time, but we did get some nice rain. I stayed in and knit the socks, ate chocolate and did a little sulking over the condition of Humanity. But, today I'll wash my hair and stuff a bunch of stuff into the washer dryer and all will be well in the world.

I need to go on a nature walk or something, yes? I'd like to start out at Henry Cowles in Santa Cruz, please and end up in Yosemite in the snow. I've got some awesome pictures of the frozen lake and some other snowy scenes. I'll post them later. Need to commune with my washing machine and the shampoo bottle.

Happy knitting! Eat chocolates and keep the feet warm and dry!


  1. Thanks for the scenic hike. My feet did stay dry and toasty. Sunshiny and unusually warm early spring weather here has made for lots of walks and scratching in the garden bed. Spring fever has hit! Thank you again for the beautiful stitch markers. DH wondered if they were multiple earrings or something!! Make sure you get your nap in today :D

  2. Hi there you! I've missed you in our strange little mud planet but we did discover an afk Keetch by a TP one night on a trek. *wink* Now that is a funny place to "hide" in the GoC.

    Spring fever has hit here, too. I've been out doing a bit of selective weeding, because the tiny lesser gold finch have discovered the tall dandilions, and it IS still winter. They need all the help they can get, those wee wild birds.

    Oh you are very welcome for the markers. I love to make the little things. I was Lol about the earrings. I make the markers the same way as earrings, almost, but with softer metals. Del, you are next! Beware... =0)

    Oh, have I ever learned how to nap. It's better than swollen hands and feet. hee hee. I've learned the value of a "beauty rest".


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..