"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Spinning away in SoCal, and a Wonderful Movie, too.

I split the sliver- the silvery sliver that came with the wheel- down into quarters and it's working so nicely. DH came over to me today and gently asked if I were going to make something for him out of the yarn. I said, "Sure, I can make you a hat. This sort of yarn makes a good hat when it's plied". I think he's very pleased. The half bobbin makes me hopeful that I'm really finally getting the hang of the wheel and don't need to long for my spindles anymore so much.

We watched a film called "Winged Migration" today, it part as a Nature tour of sorts to lift my spirits, in off again on again rainy weather. We also have just watched a movie documentary called, "The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill". As if to make me even happier about sharing the planet with the Messengers of God, a tiny Lesser Goldfinch male came into the yard and ate the seeds from some of the tall dandelions that I've not been able to get out. Now I wish that we had a bumper crop of thistle to feed his whole flock. Birds are the most beautiful creatures. Well, horses are right up there, too. =o)

The first time I took note of the migratory birds I was 8 years old and it was on a warm winter night while my friends and I played kickball in the cul-d-sac in front of my house. We were playing under the street lamps in the late dusk, and I looked up and saw a perfect wedge of geese flying north. They were very high in the sky, catching the last light rays of the dying day. As I watched them fly in their chevron, I thought about our own wild ducks that lived in the small river that ran through our property. I wondered if they would leave this same way. Mother told me that they wouldn't, "No need", she said, "as they have everything they need right here with us." Of course Mother was right. I watched our ducks for a few days and stopped worrying they were going to leave us.

Anyway, this film is wonderful. You might like it, too. If you get it, be sure to watch the two parts that tell how it was made, and the part about the composer and how he set it to music.


  1. Winged Migration is a wonderful movie. If you liked that one, you should watch March of the Penguins, if you haven't already.

  2. Hi there Annie, We are looking for the March of the Penguins and also a movie called Microcosmos. I've read the book for the latter and it's truly fascinating.

    Another night of no sleep. I'd be surprised if you see me in game. I miss my guildmates!

  3. Zippi how did you like the Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill? It's on my Netflix list of movies to watch. We just finished watching Rabbit Proof Fence. It a film from down under about what wahs done to "half-caste" children. It was very good and I highly recommend it.

  4. The movie sounds wonderful - I will definitely try to see it somehow.

  5. trish, well I wouldn't either it was hard enough to type. lol

    Terri, I loved the film. It was almost like a documentary but it has a very solid look at a kind and sweet man who is very inspirational for those of us trying to thread our way through life in a rather aggressive social order. It is still about his love of the wild birds and the relationships that he forms with those in the flock. My sister and DH and I all watched it together and were very touched.

    Karen I hope that you can find Winged Migration, and the others mentioned are all fine movies, too. The book, Microcosmos, was fabulous.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..