"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, June 5, 2006

No more old videos!

The Surgeon give the Green Light to a little weight bearing activity. The knitting needles are out and poised for use.

There's only one little area for the bone to grow back into, and when the bone KNITS (don't you love that word?) back together it will be "business as usual" around here. DH just asks that there be no more flights off the top tier of anything, flowerbed or otherwise, Puleeeze!

First I will finish the scarf which had come off the needles, and the hat to go with it. Moooooo!


  1. Buhahahahaha! I will take it easy, though.

    DH said that I should find out if I can do traverses on the monkey bars for my weight bearing exercise.

  2. Great news! Knitknitknitknit.....

  3. Fantastic news! Picking up the needles and being free to knit feels like coming home, doesn't it?

    So very happy!

  4. Yeay!

    I am sooooo happy to be knitting again, and thank you all so much for listening to me call the "Waaaambulance" a few times here.

    Now, since, I can knit again, should I say, "Ok! Everybody back to their knitting!", as one of the KR groupies has in her tag line.

    Pics in a few!

  5. Whooooo hoooooo!

    *does a little happy dance for Zippi*

  6. Thanks Karen! Things continue to improve for the wrist. I can now knit three hours a day if I want to, with rests.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..