"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The newest vase...

I said goodbye to the splint torture rack on Monday so it can now serve it's ultimate purpose as a vase for my silk sunflowers.  Posted by Picasa


  1. Oh, what a good laugh! I love it! heehee I tried to do something similar with my casts. When I had the cut off, DH was out of town, so I took one home as a "present." It was bright Hunter Orange...I had an attitude when choosing colors that day...the other was sky blue...wanted purple. Anyway! I took the cast and put it on a stand in the front window so he would (hopefully) see it when he got out of the car. Well, I decided to take it out of the window, because from the street it looked like a very large Orange (!) ummm, phalic symbol.

    Love the Moo! I think it is splendid!

  2. Good idea, and cute pics from your last post.

  3. Trish and Rissa, I just sort of figured a visual reminder to stop that "leppen and hoppin" out in the garden would be good. I can put seasonal flowers in it. Or dried weeds in winter. :O)

    Meribeth, what a gas! I wonder what the neighbors thought of it. Lol! I love Moo, too. I've got to make us matching scarves and hats now. hehe There's plenty of yarn. It must have been for a sweater that I never made.

    AR, thanks, and I was thinking the "flashy thingy" was going to let me have it right in the eyes but happily it was shut off.

  4. Zippy, I can assure you that they probably had a serious issue with it. They have an issue with much of what goes on at Chez 2764..except for DH. They all love him and think he is so nice and so perfect and so....gee, to bad my daughter didn't meet him.

  5. He he, you are a true artist Zippianna!!

    I love your mirror shots from the previous posts too.

  6. Well, no posts because of there being 40 days of record heat in our region; it's finally raining which is REALLY weird for this time and area but it's sure gotten cooler! I can knit again so thank the Lord for that one!

    Lol Meribeth. Well, pepping up the old neighborhood is the duty of the young at heart. Some times they need a little torquing, too. At least it wasn't set in the window with RAP music blaring. Or was it? ;)

    Thanks Sharon, It's the packratness really. Art starts with a packrat. I'm going to get a lower mirror and I found one, though it might be too low. Foot shots next time!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..