"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Five Weird Things About Me

My friend, Rissa, has challenged me to put up Five Weird things about me. Be sure to read her blog, too.

This task was a little hard for me to do because most of my quirks are normal in California. Having said that, I have dug very deeply to ferret out five things.

1. I love wild hair colors. When I'm totally gray I hope to be brave enough to use them, and not just on Halloween.

2. There is only one thing I am superstitious about and that is that I must, absolutely without fail, shampoo my hair twice when I wash it. The reason is this. When I was a newlywed, I read in a National Geographic, or some darn place, that a group of Greek fishermen's wives superstitiously shampooed their hair twice, whenever they washed it, because if they failed to do this their husbands would die.

3. I believe that plants talk; not just trees talk but all plants have a language. Of course it goes without saying that I also believe animals talk,too. The weird part is that sometimes I can hear them.

4. I cry when anything I don't want to die, does, even little butterflies. I just can't help it, out come the tears. Being a knitter, tiny moths which might be harmful to my stash are never cried over. I just kill them as fast as I can get my hands on them. They don't get the "kleenex escort" out to the great outdoors to a new life and freedom. For this reason, I know I've got a killer's instinct. I also think I've been killing innocent ones who have nothing to do with wool, since reading a forum on moths in the KR. (See Button for link and then search "moths". You will see that I've been killing the innocent flour moths around here.)

5.I have a phobia about people peeking in the Bounder windows at night. I scotch tape the blind down to the door. This annoys my DH's no end, as he has to take the dog out for all midnight peedles, and the blind is in the way. I am not this way at home. Well, I'm not too much like that. I don't really care if the neighbors in back can see in. This phobia has arisen because when I was five years old we lived in a divided house. It was right after WWII and we shared our house and a single bathroom with another family. One day, when I was taking a bath, I saw some shadows. It was the neighbor boy and a couple of friends. He started laughing and telling me everything I was doing in the tub. He'd been at it for months. My Dad threatened him with his life, and his family shortly moved out. We took back the house.

Gee, I'm thinking of who to tag. I was away for almost a month so I'm sure the "Weird MEME" has passed into every blog in the KR. Anyone else wants to go for it, please do so, and I hope to read all about it on your blog.

Just remember, weird is not crazy. The President isn't weird. He is crazy. That's what makes him so dangerous to all living things. He thinks he's normal and blessed, but we are wise to him now.


  1. Oh thanks for this great post - I never knew there was such weirdness in you ;-)

    Regarding the flour moths, they stop being harmless when the cupboard contents are full of their larvae!

    Keep being just you :-)

    (And good to see you back)

  2. Ha! Great post. I love weird hair colors, too. My pink washed out way too fast. You're absolutely right about the weird or crazy thing at the end!

  3. Thanks Karen and AR, it's very nice to be back.

    Lol, Karen, oh yes, weird was spooky at one time, and now I'm used to it. At my age it's hard to change. ;o)

    Annon, interesting point. One person's "weird" might be crazy, 'tis true. I'm more inclined to believe the Taoist way, where we all could communicate. Fragmentally, it's still there for humans. The plants and animals must all snicker at us, when they aren't fighting for their lives, that is. Such a pity...

  4. You are not weird! You sound quite normal to me.

    Weird is not being weird because that means the person is dead between the ears...or a liar. lol

  5. Lol Meribeth. True. And, I was reminded of the that tag line in the KR:

    "Just remember, Everyone is Someone Else's Weirdo"

    AR, Maybe they are just EVVillll. Should we take the test for some of them? I think we can guess that some of them were pretty strange and vengeful, little bent twigs that grew into Trees of Death.

  6. I'm so weird that I think I am normal -- hehehe

    Just watch hair colors if you had any red in your hair at all ever -- no matter what color I tried it turned mainly red even though I am mostly white now LOL I gave up and now go with weird white.

  7. Rho darling, your hair is a gorgeous shining white, like angel hair. Stop that. hehe.

    You are normal. It's quite normal to be weird. =o) and just in time for Halloween, too!

    AR I forgot to say that I want to be brave like you and do my hair some wild purple or even green.

    Rho I will stay away from red because it's a base color for me. I have wild red hairs every once in awhile.

  8. Okay, I have purple clip on hair that I bought and have never had the nerve to wear. Maybe tomorrow in your honor!

  9. Did you wear it Rissa?

    Next year I want to get a wild color of curly wig to hand out candy in. Last year I dressed up as a witch, with black nailpolish and lipstick. It was loads of fun but I wouldn't wear black nails again without putting clear underneath. My toe nails were painted, too. Reaaaally stained them.

    Well, my motto is have fun while you can because someone is trying to make your life hell and probably doesn't even know you exist. heehee

  10. I mean I will WEAR the wig WHILE I hand out candy.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..