"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Log for today, and a few extra little shreds of Info.

I listened to the rain with my eyes closed for about a half an hour. Then I walked a couple of hundred feet over one mile(5,520 ft- to be exact) today. That's up from 3/4th of a mile two days ago, washed the clothes, finished one bed sock, finalized with DH what we want to do with the kitchen, dug up the penny can and cashed it in (joke!), prayed for all the people who have to go to work, or who are trying to raise kids, or are trying to just survive in a war zone, and now I'm going to order more trekkerXXL sock yarn for DH's new socks to make him another pair of boot socks, which he LOVES to pieces! I also looked through the pattern for fingerless gloves for DD2, looked at all the sock needles to find the ones for the cotton socks for DD1 and DD2, and next, before I call my friend, I'm going to try to get Gretchen, The Beautiful, onto the needles at last.

I'm going to call my friend for a nice chin wag, read my book, Birds Without Wings , and then I'll knit three rows on the market bag which will bring all 280 stitches up to the handle. You all really don't want to see anything but the finished bag, I'm sure, nor those few little threads of Gretchen starting her life.

That will take care of the rest of the day. Wheew! Hopefully DH will bake those pumpkin pies he's been wanting to do, so there may be some PIE! Yum!

When we were out and about in the back country of Salinas, we found a gate.. On that gate was a little banjo playing cowboy. I thought my DD4, who plays five string banjo, would enjoy seeing it.

Banjo man on a Fabulous Gate near King City


  1. Excellent progress on the walking and the market bag. Sounds like you had a good day.

  2. Sounds like a good, busy day!
    I need to get back to the exercising. I haven't been very good. Of course, running up and down the stairs to take care of SP, probably counts some!
    Cute banjo guy.

  3. the back country of Salinas??? I was born in Salinas and though I haven't explored King City too much, I do know of it and drive through it all the time! Did you try 1st grade?? I love first graders!!

  4. rissa thank you. =o) I had a very good day. starting up the handles on the MB.

    ar, running up and down the stairs is great exercise. I hope that SP is coping well, probably playing video games,etc. Gee, I hope you are coping! Little cowboys were all over that fence gate. I'll share more of them.

    g-girl, I actually meant Salinas Valley? King City is down the road some, yep. This ranch was on one of the back roads to the west of 101. I love first graders and volunteered in that grade when I was an IA. Middle school, I wouldn't want to be in the classroom or even at HOME with a middle schooler. lol. Teens are fun kids, too, unless they take in their heads to hate you. That's not much fun.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful, perfect type of day!

  6. Indeed Karen, it was. Now to map out the next hyper day. hehe


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..