"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Hat Noros


Somehow I got lucky and snagged these from and online sale mention on the KR. They are going to be transformed into Santa Cruz hats for my twins. Tomorrow I'll swatch and put them on the needles.

My sister came today and we had tea and sympathy. I just wish I had BIG BAGS of money so that I could scoop us all up and move north and closer to the DDs. I want my own family back together. When I think of how hard it was on family members who were left behind when people emigrated to America, I do feel luckier than that. But, it only takes a few minutes to wear off.

I'm still searching for an organic, free trade banana. I am meaning one that isn't 485 miles away or even forty miles away. There has to be one. Meanwhile yes, we have no bananas. Apples are surprisingly good for breakfast. All my flowers come from the Vista flower fields. DH checked as he goes to the farmer's market every Friday to get vegetables, tamales, and flowers for the table. There's a lot of good stuff there. There are lovely walnuts and almonds prepared with honey and citrus rind and baked to dry. Yum

The gloves made it all the way to DD2, she loves them and is happy to have another pair. She thinks she might want to learn how to make them. Yay! Another glove knitter!

Hope your days are sweet, with lots of good things in them. Take care and stay well!

That's enough blah blah!


  1. Such a beautiful blog, just like it's author. I want big bags o' dollars myself. Let's hope I get rich with my book:

    I share!

  2. Hey there, Mx Woo! How's it going?

    Thanks for the kind words about the bloggette.

    I'm going to fly on over to the Amazon now, and take a look at your book. Thanks for letting me know you published! Yeay!

  3. The yarn looks lovely. I downloaded that pattern as I want to make one to match Mum's green sweater, otherwise she will wear pink or something worse with it.
    I know what you mean about leaving family behind. I have been away 35 years. Mum was so sad when we left this time.

  4. Pretty yarn! Sorry for the missing of your family. That's gotta be tough.

  5. flowers, fruits, nuts, hat, gloves,families....so warm up my heart :)


  6. Hi joanm, :) the yarn is lovely, soft and one big ply, so do you call that woolen? I'm never sure. Anyway it's a little bigger than worsted weights. And the pattern makes a lacy hat but it is going to be nice and warm. My DD3 made me a little hat that was plain stitch and sort of open like this one and all wool. It's so warm that I've taken to wearing it all the time when we go to cold country. I hear you about your family, too. Being scattered too far for easy meal sharing, Computer chat or helping out for DH, Sewing and knitting sessions and all that sweetness that families can share is so hard. We get a lot of visiting and such in when we visit but still not enough for a whole year. The internet is very good, but it's just not the same as the other face to face things.

    AR, hi there Gal. As you may know this Nora knits out in soft color bands. I have high hopes for the little hats. And families... there was a lot of empty nest angst here until I just got out and started working harder in my clubs and business. Heart sick is a reality rather than a myth.

    Hey.... Pug! You are a busy lady these days, and your dyed yards and spinnings are just gorgeous. I'm glad that you looked in, thank you for your comments, too.

    Sue, I forgot to say, I put the book in wishlist. And, you are too kind, but thank you. Look for the beauty! Without it I'd shrivel up and be a crosspatch.

    CrossPatch. Pull the latch. Sit by the fire and spin.... lol


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..