"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spring Flowers


My sweet DH buys flowers for the dining room table nearly every week now at the local farmer's market. This bouquet was seriously heavenly so I'm giving it some immortality. When I pull weeds in the garden now, I remember our flower garden of yore. I planted it up the sides of the walk way to our tiny rented house in the last week of May. The plants were tiny. I went to the hospital with our first child on the 7th of June, and three weeks later came home with DD1, and the flowers were all blooming! I felt like a Queen, bringing home our wee princess to our little Castle.
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  1. Oh, those are lovely! And what a sweetie your hubby is to buy them every week. Kudos to him.

  2. Springtime in a vase : ) What a romantic guy he is!

  3. He's a sweetie, Trish. I think it's sort of my delayed garden, since I can't go dig out there anymore- a decree from the top- and he has no time to do that at present. He's determined to keep me out of that raised flower bed and off the embankment.

    And he's a bit romantic, Annie, that's true. I think this started up about a year ago (broken wrist) and it's still going strong, bless his heart. So that he would go to breakfast with his OBBC, Old Buddy's Breakfast Club, I promised not to go on the embankment and pull the weeds. =o))


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..