"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yarn arrivals.. Yippie!

  New Stuff!

Yarn excitement arrived from Carodan Farms in the form of "Hempathy", a wool free blend of 34% hemp, 41% cotton and 25% Modal. These two colors in the front, a true deep purple the picture doesn't do justice, and a lively spring green, are going to make fingerless gloves for DD1 from a pattern out of the Not Just Socks by Sandi Rosner. I'm hoping that this yarn washes up softer than it is in the skein, which it is supposed to do. It's an experiment. The trekkerXXL (colors 106 and 134) came along for the ride, and they are for meme! I wear hiking boots from time to time and want some lovely boot socks, too. DH likes his very much so I want some. If I'd been really smart and on the ball, I would have ordered some long #4 circs that I needed, too, for the Drops Aran Isle. DH picked some up at the LYS today while he was out and about. I could have had some addis. hehe

It's wise to order needles when they get to ride with the yarns. *note to self.. never order yarn without checking out the needle supply as well*

It's a gray day but no rain and we so need rain in March. I pulled up a barrel full of weeds this am, remade the bed, washed a load of pillows and one of bedding, ran around like a mad fool taking pictures, and now it's time to go knit, read or knit. Maybe I will mop the kitchen floor. Hmmm.... *thinks about it. Nah.. tomorrow is another day.
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  1. That yarn looks lovely. No wonder you feel like knitting. I like the way the hat turned out

  2. Thanks for stopping by Joan, and thank you for the comments on the hat. It's such a pretty yarn and pattern. I can't wait to make a sock yarn weight one, but first some more Noros. =o)

  3. I'd love to hear more about the Hempathy once you're working with it. I tried some at a yarn tasting a few weeks ago, and I've been thinking of buying it ever since.



I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..