"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

FO and post cards day

Making post cards the next couple of days. I will post piccies of the ones I received in the near future. I cut out all the materials today and tomorrow will glue them all together and sew them, then make the paper backings and glue them on. I usually do fabric backs but this time they will have paper backs.

I finished moohat, and it's a short beanie. DHs head is rather bigger than I thought. I have to make another one but I'll have him wear it nonetheless for a picture this afternoon. I did knit it flat up to the decreases, then put it on a circular needles and DPNs later for the finish, sewing up the short side seam invisibly. That's a good technique because with decreases I couldn't figure out how to maintain the integrity of the farrow rib anyway. It was just too mind boggling after struggling with the Pi shawl.

The Pi shawl did not do well with the crochet hook method nor the slip three and then purl those together. I lost stitches too many times to say. I will patiently wait for the new needles to arrive in May. It is too beautiful to not knit it but it needs to be done on better lace needles. The turbos are just too slippery for words and the tips are almost as bad as a glass stirring rod. Gah!

Ah, the lovely little socks. The trekkers are zipping along and I can rejoice in at least one of the projects.

I've been reading Ngaio Marsh mysteries like a fiend but took time out to read one Rumpole which is a retro one. It is about a case he was on when he first met "She Who Must Be Obeyed". Their relationship needs no further explanation. heehee

I'm in a mini flare from Fibromyalgia and Gout, so I've been resting a lot and knitting. One joint usually starts this off. You get used to it after years and years and learn to live with it. Since so many really young people have it a heck of a lot worse, I just pray for them and count my many blessings.

Ciou! Pictures are on the way of the silly Moohat, and whatever else stands still for the camera.


  1. sorry bout your p3gitis...i feel bad about that ((hugs))

    i use knitpicks circular(cheap and sharp, haven't seen the additurbolace) and a trick Alison taught me is to purl the relevant stitches in the row prior loosely .

    i have problems with my wrist which spreads over to the palm -it makes spinning difficult when it happens. then i realise it could be because i fold my wrist when sleeping, a thing i subconciously picked up from my pugs....hehe i wear ebay imak gloves to sleep.

    hope you feel better soon.


  2. Thanks Pugknits. But please don't feel bad for me. I should have bought needles with better research, thereby saving time and $$. I'd have gotten the knitpicks new needles sets if I was thinking clearly.

    Lovely tip from Alison, and thanks for passing it on. Yippie! I will go back at it with looser purl on the row below. I'll let you know how that works. One other thing, I might try is to use one of my metal needles DPNs in a small size to try and knit them off. Nothing worth doing is going to be easy. And Gretchen is Sooooo worth it. I want to make a half dozen at least! Hugs back!

  3. sorry to hear about the fibro flare -- and ouch gout on top of it .. bleech.

    I have been trying emu oil on the recommendation of a friend and I am liking what it is doing for my skin (some age spots fading away and scars looking waaay better) but they also say it is good for fibro and bruises, sprains etc. I know my Lyme thumb hasn't bothered me much since I started but is is a coincidence or the oil... all I know is I am not in bad shape for the storm that is coming in - maybe you want to give it a try too.

  4. Rho, thanks, it a roll with the punches sort of life, like yours I believe. I'm glad we can enjoy our knitting and a little bit of friends and family gatherings.

    Thanks for the tip on the emu oil. I will find out where I can get some and try it. Just for the bruising whould be very nice. I sometimes feel like a peach that's been used for a volleyball. I'm so glad to hear that you've had some relief from pain with it.

    Got through a dinner party with no wheat products, and I know I'm feeling lots better than I usually do when we go to our friend's house for potlucks. Everyone was very kind in the food department. DH made me deviled eggs incase there was only pizza.

    Here's to our knitting! Hugs!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..