"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Hutch and Country Kitchen corner.

The cookbooks (take note that one of them offers 1001 recipes for Chocolate treats.... whooo hooooo!)will be moved later to another bookcase, but I was too excited to wait for that to happen. ewwww those are cob webs.. where's my broom!

I'm loving this new arrangement in the little Kitchen. And yes, given a choice, I'm a Country Gal. I also like eclectic style.

Tomorrow, when the light is good again, I will show you what the mail lady brought from the heartland. Good night. It was a very long day. Take care and y'all enjoy your Sunday day of rest. I know we will!
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  1. You have a very cozy kitchen. It looks very inviting and like a lovely place to spend a rainy afternoon pouring over cookbooks, old photos or knitting patterns :-)

  2. Thanks Karen, it's cozy. In winter it's a very nice place to have tea and muffins warm from the oven.

    The end you can see is what used to serve for a dining area in our little house. The actual kitchen part is a galley 7x10 feet long to the back door. Very efficient but dark. We need some solatubes and much better lighting. Open hearth with a spit? heehee

  3. Zippi,I like your nice,cozy kitchen and your new dining room table and chairs.Please,put the kettle on and call me anytime to join you for a cup of tea.I will bring home baked goodies.Blackberry Cake,German Streuselkuchen,Bienenstich or Mohnkuchen ?
    Your choice!

  4. Oh Pina, hi there and a tea would be so lovely. Thanks for your comments about the new furniture, too.

    Let's have a tea party as soon as the weather cools off! It was 97 degrees today again. I'm still walking around in my wetted down India dresses. I must go look up Bienenstich and Mohnkuchen. yummmmm!

  5. Very love space! and very inviting too...hehehe...safe and cozy.

  6. Hi Pugknits, and oh yes, it's so cozy and it will be lovely for winter and spring. It will be murderous temps for summers so we are already planning a new window for that wall, and I'll put an awning on it, too. I just figured out how to make them with pvc pipe, canvas and a hot glue gun. Yippie!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..