"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, September 20, 2007



That is a largish Redwood tub in the top of the picture...

The elm trees were in fact 60 foot tall monsters, so they had huge roots. We forgot about having trimmed the trees back twice, to below 30 feet, in their long side yard residency. Big trees attract lightning where we live, and one year the lightning hit one of the trees and came down into the electrical box, burning out the ground wire. The next summer we cut back the trees. They were about 60 feet tall at the time. So, thus, the huge roots DH is now having to dig out.

One really nice thing about the trees was that the tortoises would eat the leaves. When the roots sprouted, the tortoises could graze on the sprouts without stretching up too far. We would have had to have 50 tortoises to keep up with those sprouts, so the roots have to go.

Trying to beat it off an end of summer cold. I've been out in public at the start of Cold season! Foolish and dangerous behavior! ;o) The end of summer is always this way. I'm trying out the 1000 mg of vit C for 10 hours on the hour cure.

Going to go finish digging my trench... Rain, beautiful rain in the middle of the night for about a half hour. So different and beautiful. Reminds me of September rains of my childhood days.

Y'all have a real nice day.
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