"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Walk with Beauty all around you...

That's what the previous two pictures are about, a bit of beauty- gathered by peering from the doors of the habitat. I hoped that they were beautiful enough to inspire someone else to breathe deeply and restore themselves. Then, my photos fell into the hands of the evil Picassa, and a "dukefest" began just to get them to upload.

But, All is serene again. I took my "allergy pill" and the World went away, slinking back into the shadows of a personal Quixotesque Windmill. I, like many others, am allergic to the World. But "allergy pills" have been invented to help us all cope with it, those who are allergic to it. Take your medicine, dear ones! We have it for good reasons, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Be ashamed of being cruel, like Picassa, but not about needing allergy medicines to get through a day.

Beauty is a great allergy medicine. Be sure to get your full share every single day.

Oh! Maniacalmultitasker, that is a very bad picture. Silk shines back at the camera's eye and the camera fights back by distorting color. I'll have to sneak up on Gretchen when she's not looking, or is in the shadey part of the garden, and take her picture again. Cameras do lie from time to time. Color is one of their favorite victims.


  1. This post is absolutely beautiful!
    Beauty around us is food for the soul, that little voice that guides us and tries to keep us facing what comes. We must feed it, and take our Allergy Pills.
    Is it arrogant to feel sorry and even angry for the many who can't or won't open their eyes? The other day, I came out of the grocery store and was stunned at the beauty. Across the parking lot was a stand of trees..oaks and tulip trees, and behind them the sky was a pewter with the coming rain. But the setting sun was shining so brightly on those trees! It was breathtaking...and humbling. I turned to a man and mentioned the beauty. His reaction didn't spoil the moment, but I really do think he needs to have his Allegy Meds through an IV.

  2. Thanks for your lovely comments, Meribeth. I can almost see that picture as you were "painting" it, and you describe,perfectly, the inspiration of beauty on the soul.

    About the man, yes, feel sorry for him and others, but also you can cast a little secret spell on him. Smiles are secret spells you know, especially with a little wink added. ;-)

    I'll tell you a small tale. DH came in from watering the lawn one particularly bad day in the long-ago-time. He sadly said that a little boy was walking by and did a double-take-scared reaction to DH who had turned around at the sound of the boy's approach. DH said that the little boy was reacting to the look of angry sorrow that DH wore that day. So, use your secret weapon, the smile and a wink, for those people. If they come after you, well then, they really, reaaaally ARE bad people and then you should just run away. tee hee...


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..