"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Raging Grannie Hat

This is dusty, so just ignore that part, please. I just had to do something after seeing a very impressive demonstration at, of all places, Thomas Jefferson's Montecello. Did you see it? The woman with the red cloth sign with black letters was magnificent. She bravely showed just how little freedom of speech is now revered in this country. The president never sounded less sincere or more ridiculous.

As I said, I just have to do something... Raging Grannies, about so much more than flowered hats but it's a beginning. If we keep being so polite, these brigands will end up enslaving our grandchildren.
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  1. OH! I do Love that hat! I want one! And since I look perfectly rediculous in any hat (except a beret) I would be proud to wear something like that!

    You must wear it more, and with pride, My Dear.


  2. Most people just laugh hysterically at the old Hags that make up code pinko. Juding by your photo you would fit in quite well with them. Brave? There is nothing brave about what they do, it is all about "look at me, look at me!" since no one does that anymore. Thanks for the laugh!

  3. Meribeth, I will!

    Anonymous, everyone can't be beautiful, and I don't see what is especially haggy about grandmothers.

    Really, bravery is risking a jail record in a country run by a Seal Team Wannabe war criminal, a mama's boy who ran away from his own guard unit. Now what is brave about that sort of person? Now that he was convinced that he was on a mission from God, he thinks that means he can be a Nazi, just like Hitler believed he was on a mission. He did you know...

  4. Anoymous is right these people are disgusting! I was there at this trying to video my MIL's happy day becomming a citizen of this great nation but these Bozo's didn't have a care about anyone but their own face time. How dare they ruin a day that some of these new citizen's waited 20 years for! What a bunch of asses. These isn't about free speech this is about interfering where you aren't wanted. I won't hold back next time, America is tired of the left lemmings whinning. Grow up

    BTW Utube has some really great video's of what happened when the crowd got tired of these lowlife's and beat the living tar out of several of them. It was great! The other side has decided they won't take this anymore.

  5. "Most people just laugh hysterically at the old Hags that make up code pinko. Juding by your photo you would fit in quite well with them. Brave? There is nothing brave about what they do, it is all about "look at me, look at me!" since no one does that anymore. Thanks for the laugh!"
    Nothing like starting off with a personal attack to substantiate your position. As to "most people just laugh" I disagree. I think most people wish they had the same courage to make a public stand against evil.

  6. "These isn't about free speech this is about interfering where you aren't wanted. I won't hold back next time, America is tired of the left lemmings whinning. Grow up"

    I don't really think you were there. And this isn't left leaning, this is a country full of people who are estranged from their own leadership, unless you haven't SEEN or CARED about the most recent job ratings of Bush and Cheney.

    Americans are not stupid, but they are basically good people at heart and will work hard to save their country from robbers. You just can't argue with that. They are war criminals and people who take them to task are risking an FBI record and take this from a Viet Nam war protester and griever, we need to take them to task where EVER they show up on the radar.

  7. "Nothing like starting off with a personal attack to substantiate your position. As to "most people just laugh" I disagree. I think most people wish they had the same courage to make a public stand against evil."

    Thank you. This is exactly the way I feel about this issue. Thanks for your words.

    These people are brave. Brave enough to get beaten up by thugs, if that really happened. Is that not Brave??

    I know, and most of my generation, and we are talking about my generation, know that you can't just roll over and smell the roses when we have a dead on run away evil in the White House.

    To the first anonymous poster, get off your fanny and start reading the constitution. They are talking about you, baby!

  8. A bully attacks first, then "talks." You can not reason with a bully because the bully's priority is to hurt and intimidate and to receive pleasure from trying to proove his/her percieved strength.

    For the last 8 years we have seen how that works. And if people are willing to turn a blind eye or jump on the Bully Train, then they will have no freedoms left. And one day our beautiful country will be waiting for the jack boots to come to our door.

    The Bully needs to join the Army or Marines to grow up. The Bully's complacency and arrogance tells me that they should discover more of life before personally attacking or condemming those who are willing to speak out. It is brave to stand up and speak peacefully against Bullies and those who are very very afraid to speak against the status quo.

    And who wouldn't mind being laughed at or even beaten if it will make others think.


  9. Thank you, Meribeth. That is what we are being ruled by, Bullyboys who love power and money and will stoop to anything to get it.

    It's actually a very proud tradition, this thing about standing up against bullies in order to change things in the United States. Just reading history will show that.

    Recently we have been being conditioned to be afraid of enemies without, and also within, and those who want EVERYTHING, including all the money in the vast Treasury, have done the conditioning.

    Yes, they are Bullies and they were too cowardly to go defend the country when it was their turn to do it. They make me ill.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..