"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

To my readers..

I'm going to be posting more political stuff here because it seems important to try to save the Constitution.

I do know that many of you come here for other things, and I'm sorry, truly that there will be less of that. I am still going to keep posting as much beauty and fun as I find around me but the Constitution is vastly more important, and it deserves any and all of our voices speaking out in it's defense. I just watched a video of Phil Donahue standing up to Bill O'Reilly, and it was so magnificent and inspiring.

The Senate just caved into the white house, AGAIN, and passed immunity to the companies -not limited to but including the once mighty AT&T- who set up listening posts for the NSA for warrantless wiretapping. AT&T is a company that is also after the internet, to be able, in a relentless puche, to sell our own net back to us for money, which they so desperately need. I think this is monstrous, it's not going to do anything but limit free speech on a venue that is just about the last free frontier un-maligned by corporate pressure.

Here's to the Librarians and all the others who, either singly or forming groups, are standing up to the madness and the apathy. I salute you!


  1. Hey, Zippi -

    Coming from my scant Buddhist background, I believe that granting immunity to the telecoms is appropriate. I believe that the "People in Charge" at those companies did what they thought best at the time.

    Yes, they did wrong and Qwest did the right thing. Now it is seven years on. Grant them immunity.

    And watch them carefully for now on.

    This time interest would be better spent nosing around at Haliburton.

  2. In some ways, I agree, but I'd also like to know just what we gave up for that immunity, like they have to turn over their findings to the innocent people they hurt, and answer to the charges made by this respected U.S. District Court Judge:

    "Chief Judge Vaughn Walker of the U.S. District Court in California made a ruling particularly worthy of the nation's attention. In Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation Inc. v. Bush, a key case in the epic battle over warrantless spying inside the United States, Judge Walker ruled, effectively, that President George W. Bush is a felon."

    Quoted from Salon.com's site, and Jon B. Eiseberg's article, "Suing George W. Bush: A bizarre and troubling tale"

    I'd like to see Bush and the CEOs of the telecoms answer to these charges, since they are now immune to prosecution.

    Otherwise, I agree with you.

    We have a real problem trying to follow the trail of Haliburton, odious scum that they are, because they are sort of like the Mafia, really good at hiding the bodies. They are war profiteers in an illegal war, and that is Treason with a capital "T". It's right in the Law, writ large...

    If I were truly a Taoist, this would be the sign to me that the "Immortals" had withdrawn from a world that doesn't listen to them. But I'm also an American, and I don't want to see this putative Plutocracy, thinly disguised as a Democracy, overwhelm that fragile coating.

  3. There is no trail when dealing with Haliburton. Haliburton is a major "Splat!"...like something you stepped in..nothing to follow...it's a big gooey, stinking mire. At least the Mafia had/has some scrupples.

    Questions..is the wire tapping with ATT still going on? What about future issues? Does this bill exonerate them in future indescretions? I really don't know the details...my ulcer limits my daily angst!


  4. Hi Meribeth, I think, but do not know that it's for all time because it is still going on.

    The judge actually did a finding that the president was outside the law to order those taps, in violation of the FICA law, which has now been altered.

    This now becomes more an issue of does the Justice Department ever get it's hands on incriminating evidence in support of a case against the president or not. We now know the answer, somewhat, because with immunity, the CEOs can be called before the Congress committees, and made to answer(!) because they now have immunity from Federal Prosecution (underlined). They will probably destroy evidence and it's probably already going on, destruction of internal memos, etc, actual wiretapping evidence, etc.

    My heart limits my angst. At least there is a limiting factor for us both. Should we beg off? heeehee NEVER say yes to the other T word. Treason!

  5. I know how you feel. I am always torn by posting crazy angry political stuff. I try to make up for it by finding pretty things to go with.
    Keep your chin up.

  6. Thank Sallyjo, I will keep my chin up.

    Deciding to post anything political is stressful, but it does leave a record of where we are, politically and mentally, in this present climate.

    In my mind, since these are dire times, this present set of current conditions will ONLY work out if the gentle, the meek, and the peace makers everywhere are left intact to do their work. This supposes that the lovers of money and violence will end up doing all the suffering, which is fair.

    The big question is, "When is that going to happen if they also control all the information"?

    So, we most speak out to feel that at least we still have a voice, if nothing else to advance the truth. Right now we are at the point that stuffing daisies down the barrels of rifles at rallies may be our only permitted action.

    Eh? :)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..