"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, January 5, 2009

At Last! It's Officially an Illegal War...

Thanks to God!

Extra Read all about it..on Alternet

DH and I just watched a movie called, Persepolis. It tells the truth about a lot of the Iranian history leading up to a few years ago. Alzoo be sure, if you watch this cartoon to watch how it was made in the extra bits. Fascinating!

My opinion? We should stop meddling and screwing all these people over. It's time to change ourselves into what WE want to be and not what we are MOLDED into by the ones who want us to toe the line, jump into the lines, go OVER the lines, for their benefit and enrichment. May they be picked apart by endangered birds, some of which repeat these lies back to them while doing it. I'm really HOT and should go take a cold shower and practice SERENITY ( Good Lord I couldn't even spell it right... Ummmmmm *shocked smilie* or is that supposed to be .... Ohmmmmmmmmmm


  1. I'm sorry but HOT DAMN! Let's bail!

  2. Yes, lets do it K!

    Note to the President and crew:

    "Bring our children home, you beasts, who have made this awful mess! Go straighten it out, and quit creating puppet shows there!"

  3. I am glad you got to see that movie, it was so brilliant, I cried at the end..hehe


  4. Hi Destiny. Isn't it an amazing film? I'm glad we finally got to see it, too. Thanks for the tip! We'll watch it again when we recover. hehe

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I took a deep breath...


    "Too bad it is complete lie about what happened. As an Iranian that escaped it was people like you and the left who did the most damage just as you all still do. Grow up! There is blood on your souls may you all live happily in hell very soon."

    I'm a Quaker, not a commie or even a leftist, I'm a peace worker. I don't think more war ever solves anything, and I don't think modern communists are much more than State Capitalists, as they have shown themselves to be in the large states that they took over.

    I personally think that Iran, and it's people have suffered enough with interference from the West. If they had been left alone in the first place, instead of what happened, everything would have been different for you. I am sorry that you have suffered so much because of what the West has done.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..