"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Finally, the video of the Torts in the Dry Grass

For Baby Luann

This bit below is a small tutorial on the HOW of doing this.. if there is an easier way, please email me, and no, I don't use anything but Picasa or blogger, I don't care how much easier it is, just because my head will explode if I have to learn a whole new system. Maybe I'll be ready for change in the future but right now my brain is so tight against the sides of my skull, I'm sure anything else to deal with will cause massive damage to my fragile (there is that Italian word again!) existence.

I need a gin and tonic but chocolate will have to do..

How to do this getting a video onto the blog thinga:

1.In Picassa, download the pictures and videos off the camera.

2. Create a MOVIE from the new camera video (it will be a .wmv extension)

3.EXPORT the MOVIE to a file in My Documents or My Pictures.

4. From there go to Blogspot, and UPLOAD the file into a post, using blogspot's Video button on the CREATE a new POST page.



  1. too cool!! And I loved hearing your voices ;)

    They are getting big compared to just a little while ago - and the one was trying to find some shade - I heard it was hot out there hehehe

  2. Rho, yes the babies are getting bigger. Tomorrow I'll put a quarter down by them and take a picture, so you can see the comparison from when they were first found.

    It was so hot today, probably a 100 degrees here. And it's still about 80 degrees now at 10:30pm. I hope that it cools down soon because little Jazz is not doing well in the heat. I dread Summer and early Fall.

    And the Coyotes are on the move, trying to find water, I'd bet, as well as a quick meal. DH just came in from walking Jazz a minute ago and said that a coyote was very close to him on the street. It looked at Jazz and then at DH. DH said it danced around under the light at the end of the next street over. They will do that to get dogs to chase them. That is mighty close to encounter an active Coyote. They don't fear people at all.

    The coyotes groups den down by the lake in the hills and they come through here on the way to the hills or the stream beds that run to the river and lake. That's why we always walk Jazzie on a lead, always. I feel sorry for any little cats left out for the night.

  3. PS. On a happier note, that yellow dot above the tort is a rose petal, a little shriveled but basically the size of a quarter.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..