"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Followers link.... and adventures with BIOS

I've been trying to figure this gadget out for quite awhile, and finally put one in under my profile.

Happily I have a follower, thanks D., so that part's working. hehe.

I'm still sewing buttons on the red coat, got the green one done. DH and I had a little computer upgrade for more memory (wouldn't it be nice to have something that could implant into a human brain for that?) and some more of something else. I forget right now just what that's called but it speeds things up. I could use an implant for that, too. All of this rejuvenation took place several days ago, and was to speed up the computers for an new game.

Now the fun starts....

I'd never booted up my computer since the change so at 3 am that morning, not being able to sleep, I trotted into what we jokingly call the "Office" to do some stuff, check out bloglists, check forums, you know, the daily general maintenance.

Upon booting up, I was confronted with an unusual boot screen, and it hung there forever. I shut down the CPU, waited, turned it back on and the same old, same old. Figuring it was time to go "pro-active, I hit the escape (flee for your life?) key-

"Oh Bios, Oh!". I thought, "Alrighty, What's this? I have never seen this choice, and it's actually giving me a choice? Oh, what to do what to do?" The curser was inoperable, so, remembering how to get my characters to move around in games, I started pushing the arrow keys-

"Hey, its moving something!"

Finally, I was getting somewhere, and given the choice to save changes or cancel I chose "cancel", getting more worried about all this stuff called BIOS. Uh oh, back to the same screen.

I twiddle with the various ornaments and antennae of my tinfoil hat, sat up straighter in my chair, and peered at the choices. "OK" or "Cancel". Well I already knew the "cancel" thing got me nowhere. So, I clicked "OK".

Somehow this is what it wanted, this bossy BIOS screen, and let me into my "stuff". I worked awhile, shut down the computer and tiptoed off to bed.

The next morning, when I finally woke up very late, I told DH all about the adventure. As his expression showed increasing alarm, I vaguely remember hearing him say, "I'll be right back."

He went in to check on the BIOS. He came back a bit later, being assured that all the settings were fine and the computer was fine. Then he asked me exactly what happened, starting with how I even got into BIOS setting at all?

I said, "well, I pushed ESC because it said to, and the other thing didn't work at all anyway".

He said, "Well it's a good thing!"

I asked him if that would that have made the BIOS disappear? He started laughing.

So I said, "Well, I figured they would have had to make computers pretty idiot proof, or else computers would never had made it THIS far".

He laughed and I laughed, and he kissed me on the forehead and walked out of the room, chuckling to himself. The only thing I knew about BIOS up to that time was that you could "flash it". Sounds sort of Kinky, eh?


  1. I love your decor...with being sick all last mo. I haven't been doing too much. Will get back at it soon. I enjoy your blog...so much like me it's funny.


  2. Hi there Darla, Glad you are better. You were gone so long after you told us in R that you had pneumonia, that you got me worried, Gal. I should have checked your blog sooner!

    ....duh! Yes, I know... =*( Loser! hehehe

    Glad you are on the mend, I've had that and it knocks you for several loops, m'dear.

    And yes, I agree, we are a lot alike, re our blog posts, links, and what we care about in this world.

    Also, thanks about the decor, colors etc.

  3. Wanted to check in and say Hi! I finally figured out my blogger password, etc. so hopefully this will go through.

    Was curious about what "new game" you guys are going to try out. We are starting to look for something new and would love to link up!

    I've lost your email when I updated my computer, so drop me a line if you still have mine : )

  4. Oh Annie, I've thought about you guys, but I must confess mostly about you because we are knitting buddies, so much the last several months. Thanks for letting me know that you lost lists and I will send you an email a little later today.

    It's AoC. That is if the new upgrade works. The kids like it, but they warned me it's awful graphic and gory. I still love Ryzom but the play base is gone. It's so beautiful that I will stay there as long as it's free.. just to roam and look at all the beautiful lands and plants. Well, some of the bosses though I hardly ever see them anymore.

    Watch for an email today!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..