"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Real knitting progress here..

These are the correct colors for the yarns I'm using for the squares; that other dark and mysterious rose pink was not. I am half way to the goal of 12 squares. YayMe! And yes, the green is Vanna's choice. It's really rather nice acrylic. I'm not used to knitting with acrylic this soft to the hands. If it doesn't PILL, then well, I might just chug off to sales and get an afghan's worth. Yup!

Obligatory doggie report:

My little dog is bravely hanging in there; he and I spend a lot- LOT!!- of time together. Now that he's agéd, he walks like a rodeo cowboy that just got thrown off a brahma bull- you know, sort of tensed up and slightly bent? He's so cute and tiny that I want to smoosh him when he looks at me with those little "big browns". I do need to go walkabout more again though, so he'll have to adjust. It's not good for me to sit so much. nononono...

Brandy, the rose rescue, got planted, and she is making a brave comeback from her near death experience last summer when it got hot enough outside to bring the poor bugs to a broil if they dared to venture a dash across the rocks. I kid you not, I could hear them making funeral arrangements before they tried it. Such tiny voices.. so sad.

The hummingbirds come down into the water spray now and the scrub jays checked me out to see if I would dig up any grubs for them. I didn't dare even touch the shovel because DH had his beady eye fixed on me from the back slider.

Well, good night and sweet dreams.

Word of warning: Don't be listening to the politicians on TV newscasts before bedtime, either. There is irrefutable, scientific research done at John's Hopkins ( I believe) that doing this will give anyone between the ages of 8 months and 110 years of age lurid, technicolor nightmares! Yes, it is a fact. Google it!
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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..