"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Cast of Thousands.. well, dozens

This tiny - the Babe is about the size of my thumb pad- nativity was in a box from a friend. She had it for YEARs she said, and had no idea what was in it, having received it from yet another friend.

The trouble is that there are a dozen wise men, four Josephs, four Babies, four shepherds(which is just right), and one Mother Mary, with both hands broken off. That's not counting the animals - four cows, four lambs, and five camels. Without Mother Mary, complete with hands, you haven't even got a story!
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  1. well you can sort of angle her so her hands don't show -- or make her a teeny tiny shawl to cover her handless state

  2. HA! Good one! I love it! That little shawl would have to be made out of spider webs. I wonder....

    *thinks about it*

    Well, you know how it is. St. Mary has her hands outstretched toward the Child. So, I could just make some new hands out of play clay, I guess. Or that stuff you bake.. Primo? Na.. I'll just keep looking for a set that isn't mortally wounded.

  3. or you could lay the shawl over her arms like she was going to pick the baby up in it :)

    and seriously word verification of snerses???

  4. snerses is it? Hmmmm.. that is just weird!

    Yes, a little shawl should disguise her lack of hands And there's a way to do it during the glaze fire. It's worth a try, Rho, and thanks! You reminded me of lace dipping.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..