"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Insurance Rescindment, a new case

Blue Cross must be some sort of industry leader for this horrific practice, unless you have protection, like CalTrans retirees, where your coverage cannot be rescinded.

Once again, we have to remember what was overlooked when the Insurance Industry was allowed to tuck the ball and run with it, sweet talking the politicos. It cannot be stressed enough that these companies were ALWAYS in it to make money. They did this by taking premiums, and denying care. After first watching Kaiser Permanenti do this successfully, And THEN getting Nixon's hearty go ahead, it just got too easy after that, as the companies bought their way into more and more of the Government's Rule makers.

Awful, but true, and look who got hurt.

One tactic NOT mentioned in this Video is the reality of people who have a family member on the group policy who falls ill or has a serious accident requiring expensive care. The insurers have been going to the group insurance holders and cranking up the group coverage fees. This, to the point that the employee finds themselves out of a job. All very behind the scenes, this maneuver, but very devastating to families. You can image how devastating.

That's like a double evisceration in family life. And it's one of the reasons that medical bills are causing such a high percentage of bankruptcies.

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