"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

De Duves


The Dove parentals (that tiny female is back at it!) have been very busy, raising three sets of babies this season so far, and keeping the local cat population busy in our back yard.

We really try to chase these determined little mates off but with a dog that doesn't chase cats, or birds for that matter, the doves are at a disadvantage. The cats lurk and wait for the babies to get big enough to go to ground. California birds didn't evolve to handle such preditors.

If Wolfie were a bird dog, and feral in our backyard instead of in his post feral dotage, the dove couple would have fed him, and very well, clear through to Fall.

But, aren't they cute? Baby doves have the most lovely patterns in their feathers.
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  1. I wish so much that our cats didn't catch birds, but there predators and we can't train them not to. If only we could train them at least not to bring them in!
    BTW, we'll see if this comment makes it to you the last couple didn't...

  2. Hi Kathleen, I'm sorry to hear that some of your comments haven't gotten through to me, but I know that one of them did recently. There is hope!

    Little cats, bless em, save us from being overrun by gophers, mice, and other smallish rodents, so this hunting they do is beneficial as well as worrisome. If they only left birds and lizards alone they would be completely perfect! :+)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..