"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Pretty in Pink

Newest, and probably last, of the Supermarket lovelies.

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Last week, in order to not buy the delicious two bite blueberry scones that I shouldn't be eating, I bought another African Violet, a ruffled pink. The picture was taken in afternoon light under a sky light, so it's accentuated the blue tint. The flowers are too far blown by now to show well, so there it is...

The other bits and pieces of the earlier AV surgery are still alive! Wonder of wonders. They have not produced any little leaves at the base but hope springs eternal in the heart of African Violet surgeons.  Here is the non-progress piccie, but as they say ( and "they" are always saying something!), "Where there is life,  there is hope."  The Mother plant continues to live as well but those little tiny nothings at the base of the slice are still just little tiny nothings.  If there is any growth at all there in the last week, it would take a 70 power microscope to see it!

In other news, I've been shopping and bought some beautiful discounted summer dresses, the Indian cotton type that I can stand in a cold water shower while wearing, letting the water run into my hair and onto my clothing.

We are having cooler temperatures here, but that is to say that it's only around 85 out there on the sidewalks of our city. I still wouldn't want to be the postman.

The political climate, however, still leaves much to be desired but then how can you have perfect weather within an imperfect system?  Maybe if we all yelled at once, even the laid back coffee drinkers, there would be such a din that it would create an earthquake in the heads of the Big Money Boys who are now thinking of cutting Social Security or making people work five more years before retirement.  As if we didn't already work more and longer than anyone in Europe, for instance???!!!???  Why don't they just carve a side off that Sacred Bull that's eating all the money?  Huh?  Any of the tea baggers have any logical answers?


  1. I'm excited for your flowers! I remember the surgery! yep, your last paragraph in your post! the number of times I shake my head over stuff and not really know what to do about it. yes, hot I was driving over those 112degree deserts to SD. and then sd outskirts not that cool. whew.

  2. Hiya PJ. I got a little behind in the blog here!

    It's hot out there in that terrible desert, I think Death Valley still wins records for the heat but Twentynine Palms isn't very far behind. The hottest weather I've ever experienced is 119 in San Bernardino one year. It was unbelievably hot and we all escaped up to the 8K foot level and the icy waters of Big Bear Lake.

    The new leaves on the beheaded violet is growing fast, and when it gets big enough, I will transplant the whole thing, burying that long neck so more roots can form along it. This has been a very nice experiment, because the old head and a leaf from that pretty heritage plant are also getting roots. I'll have three plants!

  3. ARE.. The new leaves on the beheaded violet ARE growing fast.

    Unfortunately, the cells in my brain that are for communication, spelling and grammar are not. I need more chocolate!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..