"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Scrappy sock one and Sad Tort Report.

Here it is, the beginner's experiment in Scrappy socks.  The dog wanted to get into the middle of  the Kitchener toe off, so I had some rather sharp words for him.   I have forgiven him but only just!  Please forgive the bad crumb laden table cloth picture.  The only place with natural light was the dining room.

Weather Report:  Rainbow today in the SLEET, yes, we got sleet...

It's raining and the wind is really gusting.  The weather doesn't allow for outside shots.  It's raining and the wind is whipping things around outside.

I'm really not happy about this sock but I will make another asap so the brain doesn't forget how some of it was done.  I tried to"gussy" it up with two yarns knit into patterns in one place but it came out as half a black line.  It's time to go drool over the thrifty knitters socks in Ravelry.   (edited to add a much better picture.)  The gussets are awful because of the type of yarn.  It was thin and spindly.  Gah!

That's the knitting report.

The tort report:

We did lose a baby.  He died last week.  He had stopped eating very well, and his shell got so thin that just picking him up caused an unintentional and grievous injury - one that he could not recover from.  It was Mosquito, who has been a problem for some time.   He was the most special to me for various reasons, and he was not thriving.  Milagro and Dusty were almost three times his size, even though they all started out nearly the same weight.  Button spent a lot longer outside on his own than the three original foundlings.

Mosquito lost ground steadily over time, and he became Button's "room mate" so that he wouldn't have to compete with the bigger sibs.  Button is doing better but I can tell he is searching for his sibling.  We buried Mosquito under the rose bush, wrapped in some flowered calico for his journey.

Travel in Peace, tiny fellow.


  1. ahhh, rest in peace little tort :( I'm sorry to hear! boy, this weather I'm missing..and to think we can't even get any snow. (in the mountains, yes, but here in Colorado Springs-nope!)

  2. Oh I am sorry to hear that Mosquito did not survive. You did the best you could for him.

  3. Thank you PJ. He was my favorite wee fellow.

    The storm is headed your way I think. Hope you get some snow for your Spring run off into the reservoirs, and the mountain flowers for the critters.

    It's sunshiny, warmer, and bright today. Last night we got repeated hail and sleet clattering on the windows and the roof. I looked out and saw hail piled up on the roof of the jeep about 11:30. Whooot!

    This very cold storm out of Alaska left snow in the usual places and even unusual ones, like Scott's Valley with viciously cold temps for us thin bloods in Cali. At the lake walk here in San Diego, there was sleet that landed on the lake and piled up like a white ring on the shore. Cold cold night last night, I slept in fleece. hehe

  4. Thanks E. He may have thought it was worth it. He got to chow down for about a year and a half of life, having favorite foods, for instance. He really liked banana. And, he got to go see - and be fussed over by- all the DDs when he was teeny.too, and be YouTubed; a celeb, you know. lol These little animals have bird like eyes, and they really take in their world. I'm not sure, but they may, like birds see color.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..