"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Baktus Scarf

I've given up on ever finding out how to do short rows on the Drops triangle scarf, and just decided to knit THIS one. So much less stress. I will add the edgings and the small tails on to the Baktus, as I think they are cute. It's just too much of a hassle trying to find out what the pattern means in the description of making the short rows at the neck edge, and I am WAY beyond caring if it's for a better fit. I just don't care anymore; I just want it DONE!

Sometimes a project just loses it's appeal over all the trouble it is to try to figure out directions, or get them from the pattern maker. They did try to help, but they just basically said to do it the way it's written. OK, Fine. Whatever!

Today we watched the third Harry Potter Movie and just loved it. I told Nielsen that we just didn't watch TV. They sent us something anyway, and were very kind about it as well. We hadn't had the TV on at all this whole week except to watch DVDs. I wonder what that will do to their ratings? Of course, I should have watched all the PBS productions while I was knitting. Ah! Culture! We did watch, "Dirt, The Movie". That was fun to write in the little spaces.

Good night! Good Luck! If there is a war on the Middle Class, and it seems to be developing, we are going to have to arm ourselves well with counter culture options. I vote for alternative barter systems with food producers, it can be done, and lots of paying down our debt so we can afford to get to work with the $5 gas gallons.

Nighty night! I'm off to bed to read my subversive little library books. Hmmm, Librarians- now there were some good paying jobs that went *phhhtttt!*


  1. Here is another similar scarf--the Gaenor--it has a little, simple lace knit along with the scarf--

    same idea, weigh, cast on, knit(increasing) till 50% done (in this case it was 2 50gm ball of yarn and it was till 1 ball was done) then knit decreasing..

    It looks fine unblocked.. (and sock yarn is machine washable!)

  2. Oh my. I love those; they are lovely scarves. Thank you Helen!

    I might end up buying two of them. Gosh! I am just dazzled.

  3. Jane did a few of them they are really nice -not the Gaenor - have to go look at that one.

    I just ripped out 2 projects because I looked at them and thought ehhh...need to find something that is fun.

  4. Indeed Rho, that is the best and most freeing thing a knitter can do with a project that one has to grit TEETH to even pick up! I concur!

    I'll go look around those patterns again, and at Jane's blog to see if I can ascertain which are the ones she may have knit.

    PS. You can always tell that I've had my night meds when those sorts of words start showing up in my "chat". hehe


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..