"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

World's Largest Indoor Photo

B sent this to me, and I like it lots!  It's taken inside an amazing library, Strahov Library in Prague, and does slide in close ups of very old books.

 Here is a LINK to the Google pictures just in case that first one won't load though I hope it does.  It's awesome!

Yesterday a big, heavy package came from someplace in the Midlands of the US of A.  Thank you Mz M. 

In it was a treasure trove of needles, books, gadgets, and some lovely yarn which is going to be a first ever pair of socks for a friend.  I am actively seeking dimensions for a rather tiny foot, atm, so that these socks will fit!  No one in this family has such small feet.  Well, an adult anyway.  My 12 year old Grand niece may have.  I'll shoot a missive to her mom.

I'll show "all" on Wednesday evening, because this afternoon I have a not-a-play date with my doctor who is going to use another sort of needle (hollow and too blunt!) to put some glue-like substance in my knees (Oh the Joy!) after which I must rest and ice them for the rest of the evening.  I cannot complain, firstly, because no one will listen, and secondly because I'll be knitting with my feet up.  Who can complain about such a lovely thing?

Enjoy the beauty that is all around you.   Spring is coming!  At least we think it is.  We are already getting early Summer weather so Spring has to be on the way.


  1. That does sound like a treasure trove. Yarn, needles, books, and gadgets, and yarn!!! Wow!!!

    Sorry to hear about your knee. I had knee surgery years ago, because I tore my ACL, and the knee still isn't the same as it used to be.

    I never realized how fragile the human body is until it starts to break down on me.


    Have a great day!

  2. It is a lovely treasure, tbs.

    Ouch, ZKnitz. Sorry to hear that you've had that much "fun" NOT!

    Thanks, and I'm trying to avoid a knee replacement, as my brother has had his replaced (and had to have another one because the first one was the wrong size! VA.) It was sad.

    About our bodies, we are so tough minded that we tend to push our bodies too hard, plus we live a lot longer than the 35 years they were meant to last. That's just long enough to reproduce and then go to seed. heehee

  3. - Zippi -

    Yeah we do push our bodies. This is true.

    For me personally, I have started to change the way I eat in the past year or so, and I have noticed a change. And it's actually a change for the better. And I took it slow with the fruits and vegetables..I just didn't tell myself "You are going to eat healthy or else". It was gradual, and that worked for me.

    I hope you continue to take it easy with your knee, and I imagine before you know it, you'll be back on your feet (and your knees) again!

  4. One more week! Then I'm through, and if it still hurts in six weeks we'll try a cortisone shot! Onward and upward!

    I've been eating the same for years except a lot less carbs from time to time. It works! Less inflammation means less knee and joint pain for me. That and not hoppin' 'n' leppin' around the countryside. lol

  5. My mom had a cortisone shot, and she said it wasn't that bad. So I'm sure yours will turn out well.

    And I do know people who have to watch their salt intake and their feet start to swell. So I suppose each person has their own personal thing that they need to watch.

  6. Oh my gosh, Z, I've had so many cortisone shots that it was like being a pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers. I can even watch when they give them to me.

    Are you in Ravelry? If there isn't a group there on just about anything, a person can start one. I lurk in the Fibromyalgia topics a lot. A LOT. hehe

  7. I am on ravelry.

    Here's a link to where I'm at:



I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..