The Scrub Jays brought their fledglings to the Cape Honeysuckle. They must have been up there for a couple of days because the parents have been flitting around, bringing what looks like dog food in from another yard to feed them. If you make the picture as big as possible, and look towards the right above the midline, you can see one baby very well. You will have to look sharpish for the second baby, which is to the left of the one that's easy to see. There is no nest in the honeysuckle, so these little birds flew in with their parents. The nest was knocked down last year by a neighbor.
Poko Ono is building her nest hole. She always digs here. If a possum, raccoon or skunk doesn't dig them up, we will.
Poko Ono is building her nest hole. She always digs here. If a possum, raccoon or skunk doesn't dig them up, we will.
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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..