"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Cloud in Ansel Adams Wilderness

Since he knows how much I love clouds, DH took this picture for me of the first and almost only cloud in the sky the whole back country trip. This little baby cloud did spawn a couple more small ones, but this is the "Mother".

Camping report:
The girls and their daddy had a wonderful time, hiking all over the place and even started fire with a fire flick. I'll show you that process a little later  and I'll explain why.  I must go knit a sock now!

Yesterday my sister and I went to JoAnne's Fabric to poke around, and I bought some of those Corinthian columns for wedding cakes. I bought them to use as spools for my spinning wheel. They fit on a lazy Kate, my Louet wheel has a built in one, and I'm planning on getting the yarn off the spindle and plying it. This idea came from the DIY forum at Ravelry. I'll see how well that yarn -which has been on the spindle for, literally, years - responds to even being touched, let alone man-handled... er... plied. I can't take any pictures of this process until I dust the wheel and hug it a little to chase away any bad juju. This wheel was once christened with the name, Lilly, if I remember rightly. But it's been so LONG since that initial blush of the early years!

For the Ravelry enabled spinners/Pliers amongst you, THIS is the link to the information. You will be asked to sign in, or even to join up.

Tort Report:
Button is now doing better, and even responded to eating, with gusto, his tiny piece of banana.

Chin Wagging was Yesterday ; sister, who is a world class talker, unlike me, who is known for silence(yes hard to believe but I am) started talking to me when I got out the sock, and right out of the gate I made a mistake and had to frog back. I put it away. We talked for a couple of hours. Isn't it amazing how small talk normally goes into your ears and right out of the top of your head but if you put one thing in there to block it, it manages to mangle and squeeze that one thing to DEATH?

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..