"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday Catchup: 22 day of August Happiness challenge/TampaBayTimes cheater charites list... etc

If I can't figure out how to do it right, I won't be doing Five Minute Friday Small anymore.   I cannot figure out how to abide by the rules on the original- maybe I'm too brain dead by the time I go try to do it.  Also, I am finding the phrase (on the web) in approximately 9 different places, many with different buttons, or similar ones, plus different logos.  So, the towel is in the ring.  No more for me.  Just color me dumb unless I figure it out.

The TampaBay Times thing:
Feel good about giving, but don't give to these guys.   The ranking and reasons why those who are on the list are there is right over yonder *points to the Linkie ----  50 worst American Charities.

TampaBay.com created this site, which is a collaboration between the Tampa Bay Times and The Center for Investigative Reporting.   I'm posting it here in the hope of letting a few more Americans know what is happening to any money they contribute to these rapscallions(the ones on the list).

August Happiness Challenge for the 22 second day.

Sweet Jimmie with an adorable 8 week old Pit Puppy at Mission Trails

I'm happily remembering the visit from our twins.   It was great to have them here for a week and get to share meals with them and watch some Netflix, and share "Hobby Developments".

I'm also happy because the messy studio at the end of the big room is getting cleared out; slowly but surely things are going out the door.  I want to make it back into the pretty room it once was.  It will be a lot of work but it can be done.  

Have a great weekend. 


  1. I know all about messy studio...YIKES! Take me away...tomorrow's another day! Hang in!

  2. Oh YIKES indeed! Every day I try to do something, even one or two things in there, to move forward. I am unearthing things in there that I thought I'd lost forever. And, thanks so much for your very understanding comment on creative messes!

    "Better a Creative Mess than Idle Tidiness"

    That saying used to ring true but now only smacks of Hoarding Horrors. Hee hee


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..