"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday 5 and Five Minute Friday, word this week "Grateful"

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we’ll all know where to check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your webpage!
This is going to sound lame to quite a few of you, but like many men my age, I went through several professional wrestling phases, and I’ve recently been reminded of my once-recurring fandom. Although I do not follow the non-sport anymore, I cannot resist listening to interviews with some of the stars of my youth. So this week, I give you five questions inspired by the names and nicknames of great wrestlers.
1.In what way was someone recently rude to you?
The nurse who told me that she knew I was sleeping because she came by when I was.  She was a little ticked because SHE had had to come in when another nurse had had to go home ill, and this just before rude nurse was climbing into bed.  Really, I don't blame her for being short, but it was a little rude.  I was not asleep or I would have known it, sleep is so incredibly RARE in the modern hospital.

2.What’s the most macho thing you’ve done recently?  Macho, Hmm.  I do like to arm wrestle big rocks around the garden but those days are over.  I'm just not macho anymore.  

3.What was the last occasion for which you wore a mask?  I've never worn a mask.  Not ever. Grease paint and other theatrical make up but never any mask.

4.What’s a nice encounter you’ve had recently with nature?  The little spider in the corner of the sewing room ran out when I pulled some things up to stack them differently.  I tried to get it to get onto my fingers so I could let him/her go outside, but it just stood it's ground.  I said, "Ok, then just go where you want to!".  And so it did.

5.Who cuts your hair?  I do, and have for donkey years.  Right now I'm letting it grow out long.  I'm sick of trying to keep up with it.

Friday Five Minutes.  LINK up HERE  Or use the side bar button.  

The word of the week is: "Grateful."  Write flat out for five minutes, not worrying about grammar or punctuation, or anything but getting the thoughts and feeling on to the wide space in your blog post editor.


I think about being grateful to all the people who have made it possible for me to be where I am today, of course you have to include the good with the bad, but I won't mention anyone but the good.  There was first of all, my maternal aunts cousins and grandparents who gave me a start into a happy life.  I also include my mother who put a lot of love into me those first few years.  My brothers and sister who followed me and have given so much joy to my life.

Then there were all the teachers who helped me, and those who didn't, because they all had an impact on where life lead me.  Most of my teachers were amazingly good.  I think I was lucky even in two that weren't, my fifth grade teacher who made me the scape goat, one of the kindest men alive who found out half way through the year that his dearest heart was dying of cancer and there wasn't a thing that could be done about it.  And the French teacher who just pummelled me because my pronunciation was perfect but my grammar was not.  I had a lot of verbal training but hardly any reading.  This guy was an Englishman with some sort of problem and basically that was horrendous arrogance.  I was not the only one in the class that he rode.

And my sister in law, who welcomed me into the family as sweetly as she could.  And of course my DH who is just like his sister.  And our children's souls who answered the call and came to be our daughters.  It was rough on the first two and not so hard on the twins.  I am forever grateful to have known all these people.  


  1. Sometimes when we accept the good with the bad and learn from it all then we are better people. For the most part I had really good teachers through all my years of school, but the few that I had that weren't that great, I also learned something from. I am glad that you have a great DH ! And I love how you put it that " And our children's souls who answered the call and came to be our daughters" They are the lucky ones.


  2. Thanks Paula, and we do indeed learn from everyone whom we meet in life. Sometimes we just read about them, too. I am so lucky in my daughters. So grateful for having the surprise turn out to be twins! It's been fun, even the rough times. Blessings to you, in every big or tiny way that joy can shine into your life, I wish this for you.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..