"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, June 27, 2014

A Rant about the stupidity of Life in Post 911, as well as it's random acts of Police State Violence.

Maybe this was the problem?  But then, it was 3AM, and maybe all they'd had was Bennys?

Yes, I know, THREE posts in one day but what the hell.

I came home from the gym and have cried the rest of the day.  Unfortunately, the gym has a huge wall of big TVs in front of both usable sets of machines.  They don't have them in the weight lifting area, and I am now going to ask to be taken there ALL the time for any instruction and I will avoid, LIKE POISON, the rest of the gym.

An adorable little baby was horribly burned in a raid that is reminiscent of a shooting of an innocent person in their home here in San County about 15 years ago.  Narcs did that one.

So, I've been playing with the blog and playing solitaire and doing what it takes to not HATE!

About the font:  I had up cursive but it was too hard to read.  I'll be changing things here all the time to preserve my sanity.

"Confusion has it's costs!"  That, according to Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.  Well that explains the police, they are confused?

The header might change daily....  I have to keep my hands busy so my heart doesn't spiral out of control and start hating people.

Please pray for the baby and his family.  And pray for all the good cops who don't make stupid excuses like they didn't see any toys in the house.  They should have known that the family living there had lost their house and all their belonging in an upper Midwest house fire; they'd gone to Georgia for a fresh start.  This is, after all, the closest to a Police State that America has ever come.  The police didn't know these things?  Well, in San Diego County, they had THE WRONG ADDRESS but we didn't have Homeland Security at that time.  An Agency, that one, that knows how many times a toilet flushes in a house, presumably.  GOD, I AM SO ANGRY!

I can understand why people stop believing, I really, reaaaaally can.  


  1. I hear and agree with your rant! I really agree that it was stupid to have this happen to an innocent little child. I will pray for him/her, and for justice. I still want to give you a hug for caring and for ranting and for seeing the stupidity of the whole thing~ YOU CARE! and that is a really good thing. More people should care and stand up for the innocent!!! hugs to you~

    1. Thank you for the hugs. They really do help. We women understand how helpless people can feel. I'm feeling very insignificant right now, powerless to change things that are so very wrong and most of it hidden from us, too.

  2. OH yes, I care. So much that it's made me sick!

    This is just a totally uncalled for oversight by an agency that we give PERMISSION, as our agents of peacekeeping, to carry weapons. They cannot be allowed to ever act this way.

    Oregon has a law that says that a peace officer can not go past your front door to search your premises without your expressed permission. It's a good law and I think every State needs such a law. I am NOT impressed by the excuses offered up by the authorities, nor of the way the parents, especially the mother, were treated.

    We need to, as a nation, have our police understand that they are not in a foreign country and things such as this will NOT be stood for. We have practically given up all our rights to Homeland Security, something that the soldiers who fight for our freedoms must not appreciate much either. End of second rant. I'm just so very angry about this!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..