"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday Stealing and a Skywatcher post of hills near Dodger Stadium

The Christmas MeMe

From the archives!

1. Do you send Christmas cards?
Yes, when someone sends one to me, I send one out.

2. How soon do you start shopping?
I don't shop anymore but I used to go to the bitter end.  Now,  I send a check or a gift card, as teens pretty much know what they want, and sometimes I'll make a small something to go with it.  That is, if it's for a girl.

3. Who do you shop for?
All the younger kids, up to 20.  But if they don't acknowledge the gift after about three years, I don't do it anymore.  Especially when their poor mom writes to thank us, and she tells me that she keeps trying to get them to do so.  She doesn't need that.  Raising kids is hard enough without having to admit your kids won't thank gift givers.

4. Do you put up a Christmas tree?
Yes, And, I like to leave a tree up for a long, long time- through the gloomy months, and the real trees can become a hazard, so see answer 5.

5. If so, is it fake or real?:
See #4

6. Do you like tinsel?:
Yes, but after having cats who ate the stuff, I got used to just having fuzzy garlands.  Maybe we'll do tinsel again but maybe not.  This is where I tell you about ALL the YouTubes you can watch about cats destroying Christmas trees, yes?

7. Do you use homemade or store bought ornaments?:
We have a big mix of both and some treasured ones from both of our family trees before we were married.  I rescued some that my mother-in-law was going to toss.  I feel blessed to have them.

8. Do you put Christmas lights outside your house?
We do that.

9. Do you put lights on the tree?
It's a lighted tree.  Two trees actually, one white and one green.

10. How about popcorn and cranberries?
When the girls were still home we made them.  They are very lovely when they are on the tree.

11. Is there a wreath hanging on your door?
No.  I gave up after a few were snatched.

13. Do you hang up your stocking?  

 I want this one!

For me, no.  Though if I had that one up there, I would!  I used to put up some that I knitted for each of the girls, but I gave them to them some years back.  Question: How do people keep stockings from catching fire when they are put up in front of a raging fire?

14. Does your family read "Twas the night before Christmas?"
We did for a few years when one of the sets of girls was still small.  Now?  No, though I was gifted a copy at the Rockhounds party in early December.  Actually I won it by knowing the Swedish name for Gnomes.

15. Christmas Movie?
There must be a dozen at least that we watch every year.  We like them and look forward to seeing them.  Helps the Holiday Spirit for empty nesters!

Tonight we'll probably watch, "Nothing Like the Holidays." (if it comes!)

16. Character from any Christmas Movie:
The Ghost of Christmas present, in "Scrooged".  I love when she hits him with the Toaster!  And the time when she tells him she loves the rough stuff  after whacking him again!

17. Christmas Song:
Just heard a beautiful Carol sung by Susan Boyle in "The Candle", a new song to me.  I think it's Gorgeous and it will supplant the old one, which is probably  "Oh Holy Night" but don't hold me to it.
18. Christmas Memory:
My oldest pleasant memory was waking up when I had just turned three.  Mother had decorated the whole tiny shop front we were living in, converted into a one room apartment for families during the war.  The windows were all done with soap suds or something, and she used a lot of tissue paper and even decorated a tiny little tree with things wrapped in gold and silver paper and made a sort of tinsel.  She was an artist, that woman, and a great homemaker.

19. Give or Receive?
I'm much better at giving than receiving.  I get embarrassed when I have to open presents.  I don't know where this comes from.

22. Ham or Turkey?
Turkey or Roast beef.

24. White Lights or Colored Lights?
I like colored lights for some things, white for others.

25. Blinking Lights or Still Lights:
There used to be twinkling lights, that looked like little stars.  Other than those, I like steady lights because they don't draw me in and steal my brain.  Ya, know?

26. Were you Naughty or Nice this year?
Inside or outside?  This could be a question that should never be asked.  Can Santa really read minds?
I was nice.  I usually am nice.

27. What do you want for Christmas this year?
I want the US to normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba.

28. When do you open your gifts?
It has always been in the Morning.   Once, when I was a kid, my family, following the example of our Uncle H. who was newly arrived from Colorado, we opened all the gifts at midnight.  It was dreadfully dull that Christmas Day.

29. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?
I've gotten treasures from my children when they were making things.  To this day I love those sorts of presents the best.

30. What's the worst gift you've ever gotten?
It wasn't a Christmas gift but a birthday one - I have a birthday really close to Christmas - and it made me know how little value I was held in.  I did the whole gush routine but it was awful.

31. Who gives you the most gifts?
oops missed this one.  Sorry!  I would say that Mr.Z gives me the most gifts.

32. Have you ever had a secret Santa?
Not that I can remember.

33. Do you like wrapping gifts?:
Love it!

34. Do you put change in those red buckets?:
All the Time.  The Salvation Army is one of our Regular charities but we still do.

35. Do you burn a yule log?:
We would if we could.  The fireplace is a little problematic!  Today is Yule.
Happy Yule!

36. Can you name all the reindeer?
Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donder and Blitzen.  But the most famous one of all.....

37. Do you bake cookies?
I used to bake dozens and dozens of cookies to give away.  Not anymore.

38. Have you ever seen your mommy kissing Santa Clause?
No, but I've seen Santa Claus drinking a lot.

39. Have you ever gotten a kiss under the mistletoe?
Oh lots of times.  We used to go into the mountains to get some every year when we lived in the foothills up North.

41. Do you drive around and look at the Christmas lights?
Some years we do this, if there is times.  We walk around our neighborhood, too.

42. Have you ever left Santa cookies?
Of course!  It is a tradition!  He seems to like oatmeal raisin cookies the best.  Or, maybe he gives them to the reindeer?

43. Have you ever sat on Santa's lap?
Not that I remember, but I gave Santa a great big hug one day at the mall.  He was bored as there were no little children coming around that early, so I said, "Santa, give me a hug!" and he did.  He was one of those really jolly Santa's with a real beard!  Sort of like DH.

44. Who do you celebrate Christmas with?
Family members

45. Where do you celebrate Christmas?
At home with family.

46. Have you ever had a white Christmas?
Back in Ohio when I was very small.  I'd say, about three times all told, that I can remember.  Otherwise, the first Christmas, I was just too small. hehe

47. What part of Christmas do you look most forward to?
Getting together with family, eating a meal together, playing LRC with Quarters,

48. Have you ever had your picture taken with Santa?
Nope.  Except I have my very own Santa.  At the hospital earlier this week, when the Nurses went to get DH so he could take me home, one of them said to the other, "Did you go get Santa Claus?"

Skywatcher Post

November First, Going north through Hollywood
Stormy Skies over Los Angeles


  1. I love that hello kitty stocking! I love hello kitty, but dont have a stocking for it yet....notice I say yet!

    1. I thought of you when I found that. I'm not sure you can buy them anymore though. They are so cute! And, I found some pink wrist watches but whoa were they pricey! I think maybe diamonds were involved. heehee

  2. I hear you on the ungrateful family members. This year, after no thanks for years, I spent my hard earned dollars on Oxfam donations to give chickens and goats to families in Africa...Feels good (and makes my point without doing too much damage)

    1. Hi Pandora. Oxfam! What a great idea. I am going to do that next time this happens! Thank you for the tip!

  3. I don't recall that movie. I will have to check it out.

    1. We are waiting for it to arrive still. I think Netflix burped. hehe

  4. That's a beautiful photo, and I loved your Christmas memory. What a special one.

    1. Thank you CountryDew. It reminded me of a little town on a hill just anywhere, but the freeways were hard to crop out. hehe

      That is a special memory. However, after that, Mom took us to Ohio, periodically, to escape Dragons!) What is that saying: "It's never too late to have a happy childhood" ? Was that George Carlin?

  5. I love all your answers--you're a great storyteller!

    1. Thank you! Recently I was asked a question by Elle, when we were visiting, and I launched into a long story, including settings, and backgrounds, and otherwise "painting scenes", and she just said, "Mom, just answer the question, please?" I said, "But, well, you know I am a storyteller!" hehe

  6. yes, as the kids have gotten older, it's a bit easier now to just give gift cards! they know what they want so it's best to let them shop for themselves :)

    1. I fully agree, Lia. The family Teens are just so absolutely sure what they want that it seems an Amazon Card or something like that is the best thing next to cash. It's so much easier than being dragged through all the stores for miles around looking, looking, looking for something they may already have.

  7. You've got me wondering how many house fires are caused by stockings that are hung too close to the fire.

    1. You know, Harriet, the fire department never actually mentions that as a cause, so it's probably something magic that Santa does or something to keep them from blazing away before midnight. Then too, as the story goes, "The stocking were hung by the fireplace with care". Maybe the author was making sure of liability.

  8. I think you may get your Christmas wish of Cuba working it out with the US and vice versa! miss you all in the blog world

    1. Obi! Nice to see you. Come back! And, yes, I think it's time, and hopefully the US will put some sort of ban on the American Mob Bosses and Casinos this time!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..