"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Tell the EPA to Save Monarch Butterflies

Tell the EPA to Save Monarch Butterflies

I'm starting  my campaign for the rest of the earthlings...

We used to see dozens of Monarchs passing through our garden in a year, now we are lucky to see 3!  I know that something could have been done five years ago, and nothing was.  This is the North American Monarch.  It's our butterfly!  It exists in no other place on earth.  We just might save it but we are up against Monsanto.  They make the crap that's killing this butterfly.


  1. The monarchs usually appear around here sometime in August. I'll keep an eye open for them. I did plants some plants that attract the butterflies. Of course, all they seem to be attracting are bees. Oh well... :)

  2. Bees and the hummingbirds are mostly what we have here now, too, though we had a lot of different kinds of butterflies in the past. There is a network people can join to add Monarch sightings reports, so keep your eyes open for the Monarchs. I'll try to find that site and post it soon.

  3. I've been getting the same reports out of northeastern MI about the scarcity of the monarchs. I read somewhere that planting Milkweed helps them, as that is the plant which their caterpillars need to feed on, and which Monsanto's products are killing.

  4. Hi Karen, yes that is the plant, but if you plant it be sure to get the correct one. There is a similar plant that is also called milkweed but is not something the caterpillars can eat; it comes from another country I believe. Monsanto has , I think this is what it's called, Glysophine which is toxic to many pollinators. It's Bad awful stuff that never should have been used at all. I've been up all night so my research skills are nil! Lol

  5. Yes, here in Europe it's referred to as glysophate. The green parties are trying to get it banned, but with all the lobbyists, it's a David and Goliath battle. I recently read an article that described how the bavarian government rejected a ban, and in the article it stated that the agriculture use has a 40 times !!! higher concentration than what's in that small bottle of RoundUp sadly available all over the place.

    Take a nap. Sounds like you need it ;-)

  6. Thanks! I did! And I was able to snore through the whole next night. Phew!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..