"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday Tails.. the cute stuff.

I'll save the PDA (Pretty Dam* Awful) stuff for "Tuesday Tails on Friday".  hehe

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More and more cities are opening up to well mannered dogs, as long as they are leashed.  Or could it be that dogs are working this around to "The Great Canine Take-over"?

Speaking of which, there is a Swedish, German, Hungarian production called, "White God" , and it's a Tale of both homeless and pound dogs, and they are shown in a whole new light.

Admittedly, it is hard to watch because of the abuse the dogs seem to endure, and the vengeance they exact.  But the message is that the Dogs, my friends, have had it up to HERE with the humans.

This incredible film won an award at Cannes ( the real test of a film; let's be honest here) and was  an Official Selection at Sundance.

And if you watch this- I had to skip the dog fighting scenes- don't forget to read the Credits!  They are amazing.  Your heart will be thumping at the amazing extent to which the Film makers put themselves to make this film.

Oh, and that puppy up there?  He only wants to lick your face.  Honest.

Wolfie, who doesn't like rain, loves his little rain coat.  So, now he's got a rain coat and can keep the tickly rain drops off his back during rainy walks.  It's Green on one side and Plaid on the other.  Film at 11.  Just kidding about the film.  teehee   Wolfie does not like to have his picture taken when he's wearing ANYTHING but his collar.  He's proud of his Hairy little chest, and his gorgeous little Flippy tail.

After all, he's come a long way, Baby!
First day home, October of 2009
Today, just back from the groomers


  1. I'm not sure I'll be able to watch a film like that, I no longer have the stomach for it. But I've made a note and maybe "jump over my own shadow" (as we say in German) and will have a look at it.

  2. I do understand this. However:
    The film is made by people who want this underworld exposed and crushed by the weight of public censure. It's a case of wanting to have it all in the public eye so that a society can put a stop to it, and end this cruelty forever. If you see it, pay close attention to all the credits. It is an extraordinary film made by amazing groups of people. It deserves a wider audience.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..