"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday5 for April 1st: Into the Lens

Would you like to play along?  There is a clickable link in the meme section of the side bar.  Come on in, the water's fine...

1. What was your first camera like?  

It was my mother's cast off Kodak Brownie.  She upgraded to a Polaroid.  Most of the pictures of my early life were taken with that camera.  So fun to use. It was a little like point and shoot.  My dad had a portrait camera with a wooden tri-pod, and a Kodak  that had a slide out bellows that he took to the beach and other places.  My brother got all the old cameras, even my beloved Brownie!  
Dad was a very good amateur photographer, and even had built a dark room until we moved away from it.

2. What kinds of accessories have you purchased for a camera?
I've bought a 250 and 400 mm lenses, a close up lens, various filters, two different flashmounts, and two tripods for my cameras.

3. When did you last shoot photos on film, and how many rolls of unshot film do you have in your house?
When we ran out of film after getting the first digital camera, so we also have no unexposed film laying about.  I mourn the passing of the 35 mm platform for amateurs, i.e. photographers without a dark room.. my dream camera,now,  is a Canon  EOS Rebel.  I know, dream on!

4. Digital photography has all kinds of advantages over film photography, but what’s better about shooting on film and having to get it developed and printed? This is my opinion over a long "exposure" to both film and to digital cameras.  Nothing is better than a digital, unless you can develop, and print your own film and make prints, or you know someone who can do this- or have all your film processed into slides. 

This is because the high speeds that film is now processed at, for like forever, can ruin  a great photo which has been shot in less than ideal lighting. If you can do the developing and the printing yourself, then, wow, practically everything is better about film.  

5. How do you manage your digital photos?
I upload them to several  picture libraries.  All the prints have been digitized, too, thanks to Picasa3. Google, please, don't stop supporting Picasa3!  

Thanks for participating, and have a photogenic weekend!


  1. Richard loved his cameras. I used to call it "the other woman" when we went on vacations. Once digital came into being he mostly lost interest. He was also getting more into his dementia. He just couldn't understand a camera that didn't use film. Our oldest son had all the old cameras. And sadly, put them into a storage building, and then didn't pay the rent!!

  2. The other woman, lol! So cute!
    And, losing precious belongings through the carelessness of others is also part of the reason I regret letting my bro have anything of our mother's. I can't think about it or I want to bite him on the neck! Grrrr!

  3. Unfortunately Picassa will be toast. Google is putting all of its photographic marbles into Google Photos, which I think is an excellent service. Free and unlimited photo back-up and archive are Google Photo's hallmark. You can still shoot film today but it is more expensive than it was before. I can vouch for the Canon Digital Rebel since I own two of them. Great cameras for the $$$$.

  4. Unfortunately Picassa will be toast. Google is putting all of its photographic marbles into Google Photos, which I think is an excellent service. Free and unlimited photo back-up and archive are Google Photo's hallmark. You can still shoot film today but it is more expensive than it was before. I can vouch for the Canon Digital Rebel since I own two of them. Great cameras for the $$$$.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..