"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Last Friday's friday5, only on Thursday


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Tomorrow is the generally assumed birthday of William Shakespeare, based on records of his baptism and the traditions of the time.  We celebrated the Bard’s birthday last year and six years ago, so if you find these questions less than satisfying, try those instead.  Links in the questions go to attributions in Barlett’s Familiar Quotations*.  Shout-out to Kimberly, who six years ago answered her questions in (rhymed!) iambic pentameter.

1, If brevity is the soul of wit, how witty are you?
I'm very good at one liners.  So are my Bro, Sister, Mr. Z, and our kids.  We can, at times, have a very merry time of it.

2. When did you last play fast and loose with the truth?
Probably when I was a teen trying to save someone from my paternal unit's wrath.  Usually it was a pet he meant to kill.  He loved killing pets.

3. When did the green-eyed monster last rear its head?
I'm jealous of talented artists who make a living by it.  So, that thing has always got it's head up to me, showing all it's teeth.  I could have put the kids through college.

4. What has often required you to screw your courage to the sticking place?
Lately it's been, shall we say, every waking  minute of every day.

5. What’s a custom that you have found more honor’d in the breach than the observance? **
Public Drunkenness/ carousing.  Custom being what it was in the old days, and sometimes in the "new", I'll follow Hamlet on this as well. 

I suppose this "custom" hasn't changed much, in view of how generally acceptable weekend public drunkenness is observed (with mild benignity) in the world as well as celebrated both in film and on television.  

Thank you for participating, and may your weekend be as merry as the day is long!

* For those disinclined to link-clicking (I don’t blame you!): Hamlet, Love’s Labor’s Lost, Othello, Macbeth, and Hamlet (questions 1 through 5 in that order).  Shout-out to Disney’s Beauty and the Beast on question 4!

** This phrase is often misused, according to this enlightening piece in the NYT.  Hamlet was saying that it was more honorable to breach (that is, violate) the local custom of carousing than to follow it.  It’s usually used to mean “more often broken than followed” or something like that.  Answer the question whichever way works for you, but I like Hamlet’s meaning.


  1. Thanks shortybear. friday5 really does make you think about things. I'm just learning what it's all about, this meme. I think it's because I'm not longer just sort of floating through life as if in a dream. The nitty got very gritty, as you know about this, I must say, I admire the devil out of your grit. Huzzah Mz. shortybear!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..