"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, July 1, 2016

friday5 for July 1: Ten Years!

friday5 meme

~*~Friday 5 for July 1: Ten Years!~*~

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your webspace. Answer the questions there; then leave a comment below so we can all check out your responses. Please don’t forget to link us from your website!

Friday 5 is ten years old! To celebrate, here are one question each from the first Fridays of July in our, first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth years.

1. How long would it take you, via the quickest means available, to get to the place of your birth from where you are right now?
A. I imagine that it would take about 7 hours or more.  Part of it would be by car and the rest by Jet.

2. If a traveling food show were to visit your neighborhood, what are some unique, regional foods it would spotlight, and where would it go to get them?
A.  I'm afraid I don't understand the question.  What the dickens is a traveling food show.  I thought they traveled with their own food.  Do you mean like a Philly hot dog or something?  I guess I'd say that this place is somewhere they should go.  We love it!  

3. When were you last in ocean waters?
A.  Last November, in Santa Cruz with all the girls.  We had breakfast at a place that's right on the beach, very low key and very delicious.  Cafe El Palomar.

4. What disposable item do you almost never use because you greatly prefer the non-disposable version?
A. Baby Diapers.  I never used disposable diapers except when we went somewhere I couldn't wash them, which didn't happen much because we didn't have much money to begin with.  Anyway it's an icky subject but I couldn't think of anything else that really twisted my tail as much the great, huge demographic swing to disposable diapers did....Ick!  I know it saves time but it's so, so, ICK!

5. What’s the schwag* that’s physically closest to you right now?
A. It's a lovely Gardenia scented body lotion that was actually in the Schwag load my daughter used to receive in her job.  Her sister and her hubby gifted it to me.  It's all the way in the bedroom on the nightstand.   Anyway, I know where it is because I just used it this AM.  Mr.Z. and I never did  get scads of schwag.  Not in sales or a rep.

Thank you for participating!  It’s been a fun ten years, and your involvement has been all I’ve needed for motivation in keeping this going, hopefully for at least another ten.  Although I don’t always leave comments (because I don’t want you to think I’m doing it out of obligation), I read every set of answers linked to in the comments, and I always get a little bit of insight from your responses.  Have a wonderful weekend!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too!  Enjoy it to pieces!  And thanks for this lovely meme.  Congratulations of 10 YEARS!  WOW!

* From Wikipedia: Promotional merchandise, promotional items, promotional products, promotional gifts, or advertising gifts, sometimes nicknamed swag or schwag, are articles of merchandise (often branded with a logo) used in marketing and communication programs. They are given away to promote a company, corporate image, brand, or event. These items are usually imprinted with a company’s name, logo or slogan, and given away at trade shows, conferences, and as part of guerrilla marketing campaigns.


  1. I get no swag as a teacher, either.

  2. Teachers should get Swag! There should be a law about it. We need a "Swag for Teachers!" movement in this country.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..