"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Sunday Stealing.... Never have I ever..... and some mini rants here and there.

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on  
WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of questions from every
corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. You may have heard the expression, “honor among thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we try to credit the blog that we stole it from, if possible. We also provide a link to the victim's questions in our "Previous Victims" widget. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") Sometimes we edit the original meme, to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, to select the best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from recently asked questions from a previously post. Cheers to all of us thieves!

I found this on Facebook and thought I'd take the usual Never Have I Ever format and make it into questions that are easier to understand!

Would you like to play along?  Go HERE to the Blog home and see the questions and other participants' entries.  

I'm doing this way ahead of time, but it will post around 9 pm. I'm trying to do these when my energy level is up! 

1. Have you ever had chicken pox?
Yes.  I was about 10 when my little bro got them and then I did. So fun.. NOT!

2. Have you ever shopped in Home Depot?
Yes, but not anymore.  So, Adware, take me off your list. 

3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?
No, but I once thought there was a very dire "something" going on next door, and i looked through the fence and called out to my neighbor because there was a lot of screaming. It was just his little boys all playing and screaming at each other in a darkened yard and late at night. He was there, resting, and they were very small with those little piping voices of the young.  They are dear to my heart.  So cute!

4. Have you ever ridden in a limo?
Na.  I'm just not young enough to have been able to rent one with friends because that just wasn't done back in the day.  

5. Have you ever had a pet fish?
Sure.  Doesn't everyone get one at some time in life?  Mother had betas, which I still love.  They are cute to watch.  I had fan-tailed goldfish.

6. Have you ever lied about your age?
I never had to.  The few times I had a date out with my few friends, we went to places that served us and didn't card us.  I did get carded when I was 28. lol  so funny.

7. Have you ever fired a gun?
Rifles, yes.  Handgun, never.  I just saw a stat about how many children get killed or maimed every week by handguns.  One baby shot himself in the head.  I know, Guns don't kill people, yadda yadda.  So what?  Try carrying a rifle around on the street.  You'll get arrested, but it seems like every Tom, Dick, and Harry has a handgun tucked up somewhere on their persons.  

8. Have you ever been ice skating?
No, I was about to learn when we moved here, and then someone reminded me, the realtor, that I was five months preggers.  You see, the House of Ice was relatively close and we drove by it one day while house hunting.  After "baby" was born, I needed a pair of roller skates!

9. Have you ever played golf?
I tried it but found it so blooming boring.  I do like pitch and putt and miniature golf.  I cringe when I think that the Secret Service will run out of money at the end of this month because a certain someone spends so much of the widow's and orphan's money on his damn golf games and other "entertainments".   

10. Have you ever hidden on Halloween because you had no candy for trick or treaters?
No.  We always have candy left over.  And not because we buy too much.  The kids are starting to go to school events early, maybe so their parents can go out to parties.  I think school events are a lot more fun for kids so it's not a bad thing.

11. Have you ever made a prank call?
No.  I've been prank-called though.  Someone, who could listen to my home phone calls, did it.  I asked Mr.Z who used to work the frame at the phone company about it.  He said that, yes, people could and did listen into phone calls there.  There is no longer a Frame, per se, so this is done a different way now.  Nothing is sacred in a lawless land.  I will not sleep with my cell phone nearby anymore either. I reckon I've been warned.  See?  Sometimes they are out to get you. *winks*

12. Have you ever gotten a tattoo?
that would also be a no.  Not even that little butterfly on my ankle that, long ago, I wanted.

13. Have you ever had a massage?
No. well I take that back.  In the hospital after the birth of our second child, my instant friend and I were the only two on the maternity ward, and one night the two LPNs (?) gave us both back rubs.  It was heavenly.  Wherever my friend is, I still miss you, crazy gal!
She was a lot of fun.

14. Have you ever locked your keys in the car?
I haven't but the twins once locked both doors on me once and my keys were in the car in my purse. I'd been putting groceries in the hatchback.   They were two.  It was embarrassing.  I got help from the box boy who used a coat hanger to unlock a door.  The little brats just giggled and laughed at me as i was frantically signalling to them to "please open the door for Mommy, please, pretty Please?!"  A sign of things to come? Lol!

15. Have you ever ridden a horse?
Oh ya... several nice ones and then one too many. lol

16. Have you ever been to the circus?
I had a dream that I went to the circus with my cousins back in Ohio when I was five, and it was a fun dream.  For real, no...  

17. Have you ever been to Europe?
Sadly, no.  When I could go I had no money.  Now that I can not travel that far in a plane,  I still can't go.

18. Have you ever built a fire?
Lots and lots of times.  Our family was a camping family.  Cheap vacations and the kids loved it. Well heck, I'm semi-nomadic and I loved it, too!

19. Have you ever been skydiving?
Nope. That was for daredevils of a different stripe.  I only like speeeeeeeeeed.

20. Have you ever bought something at a garage sale?
Absolutely.  That's practically how I decorated the whole house!  When you have four kids and one wage earner, you learn to be thrifty.
From the Saturday Morning Cartoons Page

21. Have you ever walked in on someone having sex?
No. Ewwww!

22. Have you ever faked an injury to get out of something?
No.  Not even now do I do that.  

23. Have you ever been to a nude beach?
No. Double Ewww!  Can we please have a time out here? lol
Bloody Pinterest. dammmm

24. Have you ever received a speeding ticket?
No.  But I probably deserved some. heehee

25. Have you ever run a marathon? 
No.  Marathons didn't exist when I was young enough to run them.  At least I don't think they did.  My running days were over after the first two girls were born in the sixties.  Then it was bike riding. Zoomie zoom!

Many thanks to Bev, who is doing an amazing  job with this meme!


  1. I love your answers! You have such a gift for storytelling.

    1. Thanks, Kwizgiver, that's nice of you to say. It's the oral tradition. I blame all my Native American ancestors. ;o)

  2. Enjoyed your responses today, as always. I actually turn my cellphone OFF at night. Amazing, huh.

    1. Thanks, CountryDew. About cell phones: Oh yes, turn it off! And we also don't have it in the same room with us at night. That darn thing is what I call "my little spy". It can be switched on remotely if you interesting enough to the powers that be. A hated necessity these days can just have it's little hands tightly tied, if people are aware of the howto part.

  3. I also like betta fish, they are so colorful and fun to watch.

  4. I agree, They are so seemingly so very intelligent. I actually think they make a good case for the inner intelligence of ALL of creation that we, in our inability to assign that quality to other species, just miss out out on in a our completely inept way. Such a richness exists in the totality of creation.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..