"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Chemical exposure.. Flint Michigan...Living Down Stream, Rolling Stone Article

I'm doing this post because weakening the EPA is not something that will be pretty.

We had good presidents from both parties who didn't do harm or weaken it but now we have another short sighted demagogue who puts quick profit above Earth systems that clean the air and water.  We can't afford to not pay attention and we must fight this.

Here is the article about Flint, Michigan, from The New York Times.  We should be mad as hell about this.  To me, this is about human rights.  And animal rights, too.   Dumping or burying toxic chemicals in the land or our water should be a crime.  The streams and rivers also get polluted.  My daughter found stream pollution in Santa Cruz.  This in a Locked, secret site.  

Water will carry deadly chemicals anywhere it percolates through the soil, which is just about everywhere.

Living Down Stream , The web page.  The book that spawned this page was a must read for environmentalists.

Sorry about those pop up ads.  The Rolling Stone is a great publication, but it's got to live. So,  I accept the ads.

If you can't do this - become informed and active - for yourselves, do it for all the little children.  

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